U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
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Secretary Spellings Visits Boston (October 2, 2008)
See caption below.
Secretary Spellings speaks at Charlestown High School in Boston, where she highlighted a new effort to streamline the federal student aid application process.

Secretary Spellings speaks at Charlestown High School in Boston, where she highlighted a new effort to streamline the federal student aid application process. Secretary Spellings with students at Charlestown High School in Boston, where she highlighted a new effort to streamline the federal student aid application process.
Secretary Spellings visits a class at Charlestown High School in Boston, where she highlighted a new effort to streamline the federal student aid application process. Secretary Spellings visits a class at Charlestown High School in Boston, where she highlighted a new effort to streamline the federal student aid application process.
Secretary Spellings visits a class at Charlestown High School in Boston, where she highlighted a new effort to streamline the federal student aid application process. Secretary Spellings visits a class at Charlestown High School in Boston, where she highlighted a new effort to streamline the federal student aid application process.
Secretary Spellings speaks at Charlestown High School in Boston, where she highlighted a new effort to streamline the federal student aid application process. Secretary Spellings speaks at Charlestown High School in Boston, where she highlighted a new effort to streamline the federal student aid application process.
Secretary Spellings talks with students at Charlestown High School in Boston, where she highlighted a new effort to streamline the federal student aid application process.


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Last Modified: 10/6/2008