U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
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Secretary Spellings Announces Early Reading First Grant in Milwaukee (September 18, 2008)
See caption below.
Secretary Spellings reads to students at Humboldt Park Charter School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. During the visit, Spellings presented an Early Reading First grant to Marquette University that will benefit students in the Milwaukee area.

Secretary Spellings reads to students at Humboldt Park Charter School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Secretary Spellings with a student at Humboldt Park Charter School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Secretary Spellings reads with students at Humboldt Park Charter School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Secretary Spellings talks with staff at Humboldt Park Charter School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Secretary Spellings reads with students at Humboldt Park Charter School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Secretary Spellings talks with staff at Humboldt Park Charter School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Secretary Spellings reads with students at Humboldt Park Charter School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Secretary Spellings talks with staff at Humboldt Park Charter School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


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Last Modified: 9/19/2008