Federal Student Aid - IFAP
AwardYear: 1997-1998
EnterChapterNo: 1
EnterChapterTitle: Introduction and General Program Information
SectionNumber: 2
SectionTitle: References and Resources
PageNumbers: 15-34

This section contains important names, addresses, and telephone
numbers for both Headquarters and regional office personnel. These
contacts include major areas within the Program Systems Service
(PSS), which administers the operational aspects of the SFA
programs; within the Accounting and Financial Management Service
(AFMS), which is responsible for delivering and accounting for SFA
funds; and within the Department's regional offices, which
implement central office functions in the field.

Page 1-17 contains the Automated Data Exchange Specialists. The
Automated Data Exchange is within PSS and includes the Recipient
Data Exchange (RDE), the Electronic Data Exchange (EDE), and the
Floppy Disk Data Exchange (RDDE). Pages 1-18 and 1-19 contain
the Pell Grant Financial Management Specialists and Campus-Based
Financial Management Specialists, respectively. These specialists are
within AFMS.

[[ED regional offices]]
The next four pages contain contacts for the Department's regional
offices. Page 1-20 shows the Direct Loan Task Force Client Account
Management, including each region's address, telephone number,
and states served. The general addresses for each of the 10
Department regional offices are shown on page 1-21. Page 1-22
contains the regional addresses for the Case Management Teams
(formerly listed as the Institutional Review Branches in last year's
Handbook), and page 1-23 contains the regional addresses of the
Guarantor and Lender Review Branches within the Field Guarantor
and Lender Review Division. Next, page 1-24 contains the ED
regional map.

[[Telephone numbers and glossary]]
Pages 1-25 through 1-29 contain important toll-free telephone
numbers for various service areas throughout SFAP and ED. A brief
glossary of terms starts on page 1-30.

Automated Data Exchange

Recipient (Tape) Data Exchange
Pell Grant User Support Hotline . . . . . 202-708-9141

Electronic Data Exchange
Paul Mathis . . . . . 202-708-8270
Electronic Applications
Institution Student Information Records (ISIRs)
Electronic Corrections

Floppy Disk Data Exchange
Pell Grant User Support Hotline . . . . . 202-708-9141

Electronic Payment Information
Pell Grant User Support Hotline . . . . . 202-708-9141
Electronic Statement of Account
Software Problems
Payment Data Record Rejects

[[The following pages are currently unavailable for viewing.

1-18 (Pell Grant Program Financial Management Specialists)
1-19 (Campus-Based Programs State Representatives)
1-20 (Direct Loan Client Account Management)
1-21 (Regional Addresses)
1-22 (Case Management Teams)
1-23 (Guarantor and Lender Review Branches)
1-24 (Regional Map)

Please reference your paper document for additional information.]]

Important Toll-Free Telephone Numbers

Federal Student Aid Information Center

The ED student information line (1-800-4-FED AID (1-800-433-
3243) provides assistance to callers in completing the federal
application as well as providing information on the federal student
aid programs administered by ED. This number serves as a
dissemination point for many ED publications and video products.
People who are hearing impaired may call 1-800-730-8913.

Inspector General's Hotline

The hotline to the U.S. Department of Education's Inspector
General's Office is 1-800-4-FED AID (1-800-433-3243). Call this
number if you have reason to expect any fraud, waste or abuse
involving federal student aid funds.

Debt Collection Service for Department-held Loans

Borrowers who have defaulted loans HELD BY THE
DEPARTMENT can call 1-800-621-3115 to find out who is
handling their accounts, how much they owe, and where to send
payments. If the loan is not held by the Department, it will be held
by a school, bank or other lender, or guaranty agency, depending on
the type of loan.

Customer Support Branch

Financial aid professionals may call this number (1-800-4-ED-
SFAP--1-800-433-7327) for information about complying with SFA
Program requirements through individual inquiry response and
through the SFA Bulletin Board System (BBS). Inquiries are usually
submitted over the telephone, by fax, or by e-mail. Information is
provided through the BBS, an on-line interactive bulletin board that
contains SFA publications (such as Dear Colleague letters, Q and A
bulletins, handbooks, and Federal Registers). Publications on the
BBS are in an electronic Internet format that can be searched, copied,
or downloaded.

National Student Loan Data System Customer Service Center

This number is 1-800-999-8219. The National Student Loan Data
System (NSLDS) is a national database of Title IV loan-level
information and selected grant data. Enrolling in the NSLDS is
required of all institutions that participate in Title IV federal student
financial aid programs. The NSLDS includes information on the
FFEL, Direct Loan, and Perkins Loan programs; on Pell awards and
disbursements, and on Pell and FSEOG overawards.

Application Ordering System

You can reach ED's automated Application Ordering System (AOS)
by calling 1-800-284-2788. Through AOS, financial aid offices may
order bulk quantities of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA), the Spanish version of the FAFSA, and the Student Guide.
You may also call this number using a touch tone telephone to check
the status of orders and to enter new orders. When you call this
number, the automated voice system will prompt you for your
school's mailing list number. You may also check on the status of
previous orders.

Institutional Access System Hotline

Schools calling the Institutional Access System (IAS) Hotline
(1-800-4-PGRANT--1-800-474-7268) may access their Pell Grant
Systems Division Representative or their Pell Grant Financial
Management Division Representative. They may also be transferred
to the Pell Grant Users Support Hotline that provides electronic
payment information.

Title IV Wide Area Network

The customer service number for the Title IV Wide Area Network
(known as TIV WAN or Title IV WAN) is 1-800-615-1189. Title IV
WAN is ED's vehicle for electronically transmitting and receiving
data on financial aid programs authorized under Title IV of the
Higher Education Act, as amended. Title IV WAN transmits Data
from ED's Electronic Data Exchange (EDE),*1* the Direct Loan
Program, and the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). If
your school is completing the enrollment agreement to participate in
Title IV WAN services or if you have questions on operating on TIV
WAN in a mainframe environment, you may call this number.

Central Processing System Automated Customer Service Line

The Central Processing System (CPS) Automated Customer Service
line is 1-800-330-5947. CPS Customer Service can assist you with
Renewal Application Data (RAD) requests. It is also the customer
service number for the Institution Applicant Data Service (see
footnote below). ED makes electronic Institutional Student
Information Records (ISIRs) containing student financial aid
applicant data available to institutions on tape or cartridge up to 40
times during the processing year.

FAFSA Express Customer Service Line

The FAFSA Express customer service line (1-800-801-0576)
provides support to applicants using FAFSA Express software.
Applicants who use FAFSA Express complete their applications
electronically and have their application information transmitted
directly to the central processor. Applicants use an automated system
to order the software or to check the status of their applications.
Customer service representatives are available to assist with the
installation and setup of the software, to provide answers for modem
and printer problems, and to answer application status questions.

Closed School Information

The closed school information hotline is 1-800-CLOSE-IN--1-800-
256-7346. Students may call this hotline and automatically have a
closed school fact sheet mailed to them. Schools and state licensing
agencies may also use this number to contact their assigned closed
school specialists for assistance relating to a Title IV school closing

William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program--Loan
Origination Center

The Loan Origination Center (School Relations) can be reached at
1-800-848-0978. Direct Loan schools may call this number if they
have questions on promissory note processing, alternative origination
processing, reconciliation issues, Acknowledgments, or Testing.
Direct Loan schools may also call this number to order bulk
forms/publications, such as 1997-98 promissory notes and related
materials. Schools may also fax their orders to the Loan Origination
Center at 1-800-557-7396.

Direct Loan Consolidation Department

Borrowers trying to consolidate their loans under the Direct
Consolidation Loan Program may call the Consolidation Center of
ED's Loan Origination Department at 1-800-557-7392. The TDD
number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-557-7395.

Direct Loan Custom/Combo School Technical Support

The Direct Loan Custom/Combo School Technical Support line can
be reached at 1-800-756-4220. It provides support to Direct Loan
users who are creating their own Direct Loan processing system or a
Direct Loan interface with the EDExpress software. The technical
support staff can explain the Direct Loan Technical Reference,
provide Direct Loan process "walkthroughs," and help users develop
files to import into EDExpress. Users who receive error or warning
messages when trying to import these files should contact the
technical support staff for troubleshooting advice.

Direct Loan Servicing Centers

The Direct Loan Servicing Centers maintain records of individual
borrower accounts and payments made on those accounts. Borrowers
may also obtain information on deferment and repayment options.
The address and appropriate telephone numbers of the borrower's
servicing center will be printed on that borrower's loan

Direct Loan Servicing Center (Utica, New York)

Borrower Services . . . . . 1-800-848-0979
Delinquent Accounts/Collections Department . . . 1-800-848-0981
School Relations*2* . . . . . 1-888-877-7658
FAX . . . . . 1-800-848-0983
TDD . . . . . 1-800-848-0984

At the time this handbook went to print, all loan servicing records
were handled through the Direct Loan Servicing Center in Utica. In
July 1997, three new servicing centers will begin full operation to
handle increased loan volume. These new servicing centers will be
located in Michigan, Indiana, and Louisville. Listed below are
important contact points for each of these centers. ALL

Direct Loan Servicing Center (Great Lakes, Michigan)

Borrower Services . . . . . 1-888-988-2022
Delinquent Accounts/Collections Department . . . 1-888-988-2023
School Relations . . . . . 1-888-988-2024
FAX . . . . . 1-888-998-2025
TDD . . . . . 1-888-998-2026

Direct Loan Servicing Center (Fisher, Indiana)

Borrower Services . . . . . 1-888-335-1180
Delinquent Accounts/Collections Department . . . 1-888-335-1181
School Relations . . . . . 1-888-335-1182
FAX . . . . . 1-888-335-1184
TDD . . . . . 1-888-335-1183

Direct Loan Servicing Center (Louisville, Kentucky)
Borrower Services . . . . . 1-888-758-9727
Delinquent Accounts/Collections Department . . . 1-888-758-9728
School Relations . . . . . 1-888-758-9729
FAX . . . . . 1-888-758-9730
TDD . . . . . 1-888-758-9731

Borrowers who do not know who is servicing their loans or who
have misplaced their servicing center information may call Central
Borrower Services at 1-888-447-4460 for assistance. A new Central
School Relations number will also be available later this summer.
That number is 1-888-445-7745.


ACADEMIC YEAR. A period of time schools use to measure a
quantity of study. For example, a school's academic year may consist
of a fall and spring semester, during which a student must complete
24 semester hours. Academic years vary from school to school, and
even from educational program to educational program at the same
school. The school defines its own academic year, but federal law
and regulations set minimum standards for SFA purposes. For
example, every eligible school, including graduate programs, must
have a defined academic year that contains a minimum of 30 weeks
of instructional time.

AWARD YEAR. Spans from July 1 to June 30 of the next year. For
the Federal Pell Grant and campus-based programs, eligible students
are paid out of funds designated for a particular award year, such as
the 1997-98 award year (July 1, 1997 to June 30, 1998).

BASE YEAR. For need analysis purposes, the calendar year
preceding the award year. For instance, 1996 is the base year used
for determining eligibility in the 1997-98 award year.

CAMPUS-BASED PROGRAMS. The Federal Perkins Loan, Federal
Work-Study (FWS), and Federal Supplemental Educational
Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) programs are often collectively referred
to as the campus-based programs because the funds for these
programs are administered directly by the school's financial aid

application data processing facility, currently located in Iowa. The
CPS uses student information from the Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA) processors to calculate the student's official
Expected Family Contribution (EFC), and creates an Individual
Student Information Record (ISIR) and prints the Student Aid Report

COST OF ATTENDANCE (COA). Includes tuition, fees, the
student's living expenses while he or she is attending school, and
other costs such as costs related to a disability or for dependent care.
The COA is determined by the school, using guidelines established
by federal law to determine the figure. The COA, together with the
student's Expected Family Contribution (EFC), helps determine the
student's need for SFA funds.

DEFAULT. Occurs when the borrower fails to repay a loan in
accordance with the terms of the promissory note. See Chapter 10.

student financial aid the student may expect from federal, state,
school, or other sources (including grants, loans, or need-based work
programs). The school must consider this available assistance when
determining a student's eligibility for a Federal Family Education
Loan and for a Direct Subsidized Loan.

the student's family is expected to contribute toward the cost of
attendance. This amount is usually based on the family's income and
assets. The EFC, together with the student's cost of attendance
(COA), helps determine the student's need for SFA funds.

FAFSA. See Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

FAFSA PROCESSORS. Agencies that process the Free Application
for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) under contract with the U.S.
Department of Education. For more information, see the Counselor's

FINANCIAL NEED. Generally, the difference between the student's
cost of attendance (COA) and the Expected Family Contribution

The application that the student must file to apply for aid from any
SFA program, including the FFEL and Direct Loan Program. The
FAFSA is printed and distributed free of charge by the U.S.
Department of Education.

INSTITUTION. A postsecondary educational institution. In this
handbook, the terms "school" and "institution" are often used

The ISIR and the Student Aid Report, covered later in this glossary,
are both federal output documents processed by the CPS. The SAR is
sent to the student, while the ISIR is sent to the student's school.
SARs and ISIRs contain the same processed student information in
different formats.

NEED ANALYSIS. The process of using a student's household and
financial information (derived from the financial aid application) to
calculate the amount the family can be expected to contribute to
educational costs. For the SFA Programs, the need analysis
calculation is defined by law and results in the Expected Family
Contribution (EFC).

OVERAWARD. Generally, any campus-based, FFEL, or Direct
Loan funds disbursed in excess of the student's financial need. (The
overaward concept does not apply to the Federal Pell Grant

OVERPAYMENT. Any payment of a Federal Pell Grant, FSEOG,
Federal Perkins Loan, or SSIG that exceeds the amount for which the
student was eligible. An overpayment may be the result of an
overaward, an error in calculating the cost of attendance (COA) or
the Expected Family Contribution (EFC), or a student's failure to
meet any other eligibility criteria, such as citizenship or enrollment
in an eligible program.

PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT. While the Expected Family
Contribution (EFC) calculation is defined by law, the law does
provide some flexibility. The financial aid administrator can make
individual adjustments, based on his or professional judgment, to
override a student's dependency status (from dependent to
independent), to adjust the components of a student's cost of
attendance (COA), and to adjust the data elements used to calculate
the student's EFC. Such adjustments must be made on a case-by-case
basis, and the reasons for the adjustment must be documented in the
student's file. See the Counselor's Handbook for more information.

PROMISSORY NOTE. A legal document that must be signed to
obtain a loan. By signing, the borrower promises to repay the loan,
with interest, in specified installments. The promissory note also
includes any information about the grace period, deferment or
cancellation provisions, and the student's rights and responsibilities
with respect to the loan.

RESOURCES. The amount of student financial aid the student may
expect from federal, state, school, or other sources (as defined in the
campus-based regulations). The school must consider this available
assistance when determining a student's eligibility for campus-based

SCHOOL. A postsecondary educational institution. In this handbook,
the terms "school" and "institution" are often used interchangeably.
SFA Programs. The Student Financial Assistance (SFA) Programs
administered within the U.S. Department of Education. These
programs include Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grants, Federal Work-Study, Federal
Perkins Loans, Federal Family Education Loans, Federal Direct
Loans, State Student Incentive Grants, and Byrd and Douglas

SFA PROGRAMS. The Student Financial Assistance (SFA) Programs
administered within the U.S. Department of Education. These programs
include Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity
Grants, Federal Work-Study, Federal Perkins Loans, Federal Family Education
Loans, Federal Direct Loans, State Student Incentive Grants, and Byrd
and Douglas Scholarships.

STUDENT AID REPORT (SAR). The federal output document
printed by the CPS and mailed to the student. The SAR contains the
family's financial information and other information as reported by
the student on the FAFSA. The student's eligibility for aid depends
on the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) that is derived by the
processor and printed on the front of the SAR. Schools that
participate in the Electronic Data Exchange (EDE) and other services
offered by the Department may receive the information on the SAR
through these services. For more information, see the Counselor's
Handbook. Students who apply electronically will initially receive a
SAR Information Acknowledgments instead of a paper SAR.

VERIFICATION. The Central Processing System will select a
certain percentage of FAFSAs, some randomly and others based on
certain edit criteria, for data verification. Schools must verify
certain data reported on these FAFSAs, using documentation
provided by the student. (Many schools also choose to verify
additional applications beyond those selected during processing.)
For more information, see the Verification Guide.