Federal Student Aid - IFAP
AwardYear: 1997-1998
EnterChapterNo: 8
EnterChapterTitle: Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program
SectionTitle: Introduction
PageNumbers: 1-2

[[34 CFR 673.1]]
The purpose of the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity
Grant (FSEOG) Program is to encourage schools to provide grants to
exceptionally needy undergraduate students to help pay for their
postsecondary education. This provision is in Section 413C(c)(2) of
the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Giving priority to
applicants with exceptional financial need, schools selecting FSEOG
recipients must use the selection criteria discussed in Section 1 of
this chapter.


[[New Part 673 of 34 CFR]]
Part 673 has been added to the regulations as "Part 673--General
Provisions for the Federal Perkins Loan Program, Federal Work-
Study Program, and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity
Grant Program," published in the Federal Register (Part IV) on
November 27, 1996. Part 673 consolidates common provisions of the
campus-based programs (formerly found in Parts 674, 675, and 676),
and eliminates duplicate provisions for each program. The
regulations, which are effective July 1, 1997, are discussed in the
Introduction to Chapter 5.

[[Cash management regulations]]
Requirements for maintaining and accounting for Student Financial
Assistance (SFA) program funds are included in regulations
published in the Federal Register November 29, 1996 and become
effective July 1, 1997. The new cash management requirements that
apply specifically to the campus-based programs are discussed in
Chapter 5, Section 3. The new provisions that apply to all SFA
programs are discussed in detail in Chapter 3, Section 3. Section 3 of
this chapter also provides information on fiscal procedures and

[[Recordkeeping requirements: 34 CFR 668.24 & 34 CFR 676.19]]
The late disbursement provision of the new cash management
regulations applies specifically to the FSEOG Program and the
Federal Perkins Loan Program. Regulations regarding late
disbursements of an FSEOG were removed from 34 CFR 676.16(e),
and revised regulations for late disbursements of FSEOGs and
Federal Perkins Loans are now in 34 CFR 668.164(g). A school may
make a late disbursement of a Perkins Loan and/or an FSEOG to an
ineligible student if the student became ineligible solely because the
student is no longer enrolled at the school for the award year. Before
the student dropped out, the school must have received a Student Aid
Report (SAR) or Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) for
the student with an official Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and
must have awarded the student the Perkins Loan or FSEOG. The
school may make that late disbursement only if the funds are used to
pay for educational costs that the school determines the student
incurred for the period in which the student was enrolled and
eligible, and the school must make the late disbursement no later
than 90 days after the date the student became ineligible because he
or she was no longer enrolled.

New recordkeeping requirements for all SFA programs were
published in the Federal Register November 27, 1996 and become
effective July 1, 1997. These regulations specify the length of time
records must be kept and the formats in which they must be kept.
These new requirements as they apply in general to all SFA
programs are discussed in Chapter 3, Section 7. For information on
how these requirements apply specifically to the campus-based
programs, see Chapter 5, Section 3.