Federal Student Aid - IFAP
AwardYear: 1997-1998
EnterChapterNo: 9
EnterChapterTitle: State Grant Programs
SectionTitle: Introduction
PageNumbers: 1-2

This chapter covers the State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG)
Program, the Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship (Byrd) Program
and the National Early Intervention Scholarship and Partnership
(NEISP) Program. The SSIG, Byrd, and NEISP programs are
authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as
amended (HEA).

[[How the programs are funded]]
A student who wishes to apply for financial assistance from these
programs may do so through the appropriate education assistance
agency in his or her state. Under the SSIG Program, the Secretary of
Education provides states with funds to establish a state grant
program assisting students who demonstrate substantial financial
need. Each state matches the federal funds on at least a 50-50 ratio.
Under the Byrd Program, the Secretary makes grants to states to
enable those states to award scholarships to high school seniors who
have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and who show
promise of continued academic achievement. (Scholarship recipients
are called Byrd Scholars). Under the NEISP Program, the Secretary
provides states with grants for early intervention and scholarship
assistance. Such assistance is intended to encourage students to
obtain high school diplomas and to pursue higher education.

[[State agency listing]]
A student with questions on eligibility and award procedures for any
of these programs should contact the appropriate state agency that
administers the program in that student's state. A complete list of
these agencies is included in Section 5 of this chapter. (There is no
individual state agency list for the NEISP Program. See page 33 of
Section 4 of this chapter for more information.)

[[Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship Program]]
Section 3 of this chapter covers the Paul Douglas Teacher
Scholarship (Douglas Scholarship) Program. As was the case in
1996-97, no new funds have been authorized for this program for the
1997-98 year. Each Douglas Scholar who has outstanding
scholarship funds must continue fulfilling his or her scholarship
agreement. This agreement is described in detail in Section 3. If a
Douglas Scholar has specific questions about his or her agreement,
the scholar should contact his or her state agency. (See section 5 of
this chapter.)

[[Byrd and NEISP Funding]]
Under the Omnibus Consolidated Rescissions and Appropriations
Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-134), individual awards under the Byrd
Program for the 1997-98 year will be adjusted to $1,110.

Under the NEISP Program, no funding will be available for new state
applications. Only the current nine states already receiving funding
will continue to be funded.