Federal Student Aid - IFAP
AwardYear: 1998-1999
EnterChapterNo: 3
EnterChapterTitle: Institutional Eligibility and Administrative Requirements
SectionNumber: 2
SectionTitle: General Participation Requirements
PageNumbers: 27-54

hb3-32.pdf  PDF  hb3-41.pdf  PDF  hb3-41a.pdf  PDF  hb3-42.pdf  PDF  hb3-42a.pdf  PDF  hb3-43.pdf  PDF
A school that wishes to participate in the SFA Programs must meet
certain requirements for participation. For example, a school must
enter into a program participation agreement and meet requirements
for financial responsibility and administrative capability. In addition,
a school's academic year and payment periods must conform to
specific definitions so that SFA Program funds are disbursed
properly. Participation standards are important because all SFA
funds received by a participating school are held in trust by that
school for the intended student beneficiaries (except for allowed
administrative expense reimbursement). Most general requirements
for SFA Program participation are found in 34 CFR Part 668.

Schools are permitted to contract with consultants for assistance in
administering the SFA Programs. However, the school ultimately is
responsible for the use of SFA funds and will be held accountable if
the consultant mismanages the programs. (See the "Contracts with
Third-Party Servicers" discussion on page 3-47 for more details.)


An eligible school must enter into a Program Participation
Agreement (PPA) with the Department to participate in any SFA
Program other than the State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG)
Program or the National Early Intervention Scholarship Program
(NEISP). The PPA covers the school's participation in the following
programs: Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity
Grant (FSEOG), Federal Work-Study (FWS), Federal Perkins Loan
(Perkins), and Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL). Currently, a
school that participates in the Direct Loan Program does so through
an addendum to the PPA.

[[Purpose & scope of the PPA]]
Under the PPA, the school agrees to comply with the laws and
regulations governing the SFA Programs. When entering into a PPA,
the school must demonstrate that it is financially responsible and
administratively capable of providing the education it promises and
of properly managing the SFA Programs. After being certified for
SFA participation, the school must administer SFA funds in a
prudent and responsible manner. Under certain circumstances, for
example, when a school stops providing education, a school's PPA
automatically terminates (for more information, see Section 9.)

[[PPA requirements]]
The PPA lists some of the basic administrative requirements of SFA
participation. Some of these are discussed in more detail in this or
other areas of this Handbook, as noted below:

1. The school will provide timely information on its
administrative capability and financial responsibility to the
Department, and to the appropriate state, guaranty, and accrediting
agencies. (Section 2)

2. If the school advertises job placement rates to attract students, it
must provide a prospective student with any relevant information
on state licensing requirements for the jobs for which the offered
training will prepare the student.

3. The school cannot deny SFA funds on the grounds that a
student is studying abroad in an approved-for-credit program.
(Section 5)

4. To begin participation in the FFEL Programs (or if a school
changes ownership or changes its status as a parent or subordinate
institution), the school must develop a default management plan
for approval by the Department and must implement the plan for
at least two years. (Chapter 9)

5. The school must acknowledge the authority of the
Department and other entities to share information regarding
fraud, abuse, or the school's approval to participate in the SFA
Programs. (Section 6)

6. The school may not knowingly employ or contract with (in the
administration of or receipt of SFA funds) any individual, agency,
or organization that has been convicted of or pled guilty or nolo
to a crime or was judicially determined to have
committed fraud involving the misuse of SFA funds.

7. The school must, in a timely manner, complete surveys under
the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) or
any other data collection effort of the Department.

8. If the school offers athletically related student aid, it must
annually compile data concerning its revenues and expenses
related to athletics; this data must be audited every three years and
made available to the Department and to the public. (Section 8)

9. The school cannot penalize in any way a student who is unable
to pay institutional costs due to compliance with the SFA Program
requirements, or due to a delay in federal aid disbursement caused
by the school.

10. The school cannot pay, nor contract with any entity that pays,
commissions or other incentives based directly or indirectly on
securing enrollment or financial aid (except when recruiting
foreign students ineligible for SFA funds) to persons engaged in
recruiting, admission, or financial aid administration.

11. The school must comply with the requirements of the
Department, as well as those of accrediting agencies. (Section 1)

12. The school must have a fair and equitable refund policy in
accordance with regulations. (Section 4)

13. Schools cannot charge for processing or handling any
application or data used to determine a student's SFA eligibility.
For instance, the school may not charge (or include in the student's
cost of attendance) a fee to certify a loan application, complete a
deferment form, process a Pell Grant payment, verify an
application, or send or request a financial aid transcript.

14. A student may always use the Free Application for Federal
Student Aid
(FAFSA) to apply for SFA funds. However, a school
may require additional data that are not provided on the federal
form to award institutional or state aid. Institutional charges for
collecting such data must be reasonable and within marginal costs.

The above list is not exhaustive; schools must carefully review all
of the requirements listed on their PPA and those specified in 34
CFR 668.14. In addition, a school must meet any requirements for
participation specific to an individual SFA Program.

[[School must make GED program available]]
Another participation requirement found in the PPA requires a
school that admits students without a high school diploma or its
recognized equivalent (based on their ability to benefit) to make a
GED preparatory program available to its students. The course does
not have to be provided by the school itself, and the school is not
required to pay the costs of the program. The GED program must be
offered at a place that is convenient for the students and the school
must take reasonable steps to ensure that its students have access to
the program, such as coordinating the timing of its program offerings
with that of the GED program. The school must provide information
about the availability of the GED program to affected students. The
GED program must be proven successful in preparing its students to
obtain a GED--such programs include GED programs that are
conducted by state and local secondary school authorities, as well as
programs for which the school has documentation that statistically
demonstrates the success.

The law does not require a school to verify that a student is enrolled
in a GED program or to monitor the student's progress in the
program. A student admitted based on his or her ability to benefit
who does not have a high school diploma or its recognized
equivalent is not required by law to enroll in a GED program, but the
school may choose to make this an admissions requirement. A
student may not receive SFA funds for the GED program although
he or she may be paid for postsecondary courses taken at the same
time as the GED coursework, including remedial coursework1 at
the secondary level or higher

1 It is the school's responsibility to determine whether a remedial
program is at the secondary level. However, if the state, the school's
accrediting agency, or the state agency recognized for the approval
of public postsecondary vocational education determines that a
remedial program is at the elementary level, the school must abide by
that determination. For more on remedial coursework, including the
admission of ability-to-benefit students, see Chapter 2.

When a school signs the PPA, it also agrees to comply with the civil
rights and privacy requirements contained in the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR), which apply to all students in the educational
program, not just to SFA recipients.


[[Standards of financial responsibility]]
In order to participate in the SFA Programs, a school must
demonstrate that it is financially responsible. To provide the
Department with the information necessary to evaluate a school's
financial responsibility, schools are required to submit financial
information to the Department every year. A school must submit an
audited financial statement as part of a combined submission that
also includes the school's compliance audit. The combined
submission must be submitted to the Department within six months
of the end of the school's fiscal year. See Section 6 for more
information on required audit submissions.

A notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) published September 20,
1996, proposed implementation of new financial responsibility
standards. In response to public comment, the comment period on
some portions of the NPRM was extended through April 14, 1997.
Final regulations (scheduled to be published by December 1, 1997)
had not been published at the time this Handbook went to print. Once
final regulations have been published, the Department will issue
further guidance on financial responsibility standards as necessary in
the form of "Dear Colleague" letters.


[[Required electronic processes]]
As directed in the law, the Department has developed procedures and
requirements concerning the assessment of a school's administrative
capability, taking into consideration the school's past SFA-related

Final regulations published November 29, 1996 added a standard of
administrative capability. To be considered administratively capable
to participate in an SFA Program, a school must participate in all
electronic processes that are required by the Department, if the
processes are provided at no substantial charge to the school.

The use of electronic processes is integral to achieving the Project
EASI goal of an integrated student aid delivery system for students
and schools. (For more information on Project EASI, see page 3-38.)
The Department believes that widespread use of electronic processes
will result in reduced burden on students and schools, provide a
higher level of service to students, and result in improved school
administration and accountability.

On September 19, 1997, the Department published a Notice in the
Federal Register that identified required electronic processes for
1998 and 1999, including the system requirements for participation
in the electronic processes. The Notice also listed training sessions
offered by the Department to assist schools with their
implementation of the required processes.

[[Further guidance to be provided in Action Letter]]
Specific information on the implementation of the required
electronic processes was not available at the time this Handbook
went to print. The Department will provide additional guidance in
the form of an Action Letter. When issued, this up-to-date
information will also be available on the SFA BBS.

The table that follows list the required electronic processes and the
deadline dates for implementation. A school that fails to participate
in any of these processes by the required deadline date is considered
by the Department to lack administrative capability to administer the
SFA Programs properly.

Required Electronic Processes and Deadline Dates

Deadline Date
Designated Electronic Processes

January 1, 1998
- Participate in the Title IV Wide Area Network (TIV WAN)
- For the 1998-99 Processing Year *1* and Beyond:
+ Receipt of Institutional Student Information Records *2*
+ Adding your school to the Central Processing System
Record (CPS)
+ Online Access to the National Student Loan Data
System (NSLDS)

July 1, 1998
- Access to the "Info for Financial Aid Professionals" website
or the Student Financial Assistance Bulletin Board System
- Submission of the Application for Approval to Participate in
Federal Student Aid Programs (recertification, reinstatement,
and changes) through the Internet
- Submission of the Fiscal Operations Report and Application to
Participate (FISAP) to the Title IV Wide Area Network (TIV
WAN). Diskettes will be eliminated.

July 1, 1999
- For the 1999-2000 Award year and Beyond:
+ Report Federal Pell Grant Payments Electronically or on
Magnetic Tape or Cartridge to the Title IV Wide Area
Network (TIV WAN). Diskettes will be eliminated.
- Submit Student Status Confirmation Report (SSCR) data
Electronically or on Magnetic Tape or Cartridge to the
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). Diskettes will
be eliminated.
- Submit Federal Perkins Loan Data Electronically or on
Magnetic Tape or Cartridge to the National Student Loan
Data System (NSLDS). Diskettes will be eliminated.

*1* The application processing cycle lasts 18 months. For
the 1998-99 award year, application processing begins in
January 1998 and applications for that year will be accepted until
June 30, 1999.
*2* The Department realizes that processing SFA Program funds
upon the receipt of an ISIR, rather than the paper Student Aid
Report (SAR), may be new for some schools. In order to provide
these schools sufficient time to implement electronic procedures to
receive ISIRs, the Department will not assess any penalties against
a school that is not able to comply with this requirement on
January 1, 1998. However, beginning July 1, 1998, all schools are
expected to be receiving ISIRs electronically for any SFA
applicant who has listed that school on the applicant record in the
central processing system. The Department will begin assessing
appropriate penalties at that time for schools found not to be
awarding SFA Program funds to eligible applicants based on the
receipt of the ISIR. Required Electronic Processes and Deadline

[[Technical specifications]]
The Technical Specifications table provides schools with information
regarding hardware and software requirements that will enable them
to participate in these designated electronic processes. Some of the
specifications are not needed to meet the current requirements;
however, they will be required in the future as the SFA Program
delivery system is upgraded. Therefore, schools should include in
their automated data processing budgets, on a regular basis, plans for
upgrades and enhancements to their system.

The left column of the Technical Specifications Table provides
information on the current minimum configuration needed in order
for a school to maintain a basic level of electronic efficiency. The
right column provides information on the configuration that will be
needed to support the electronic requirements beginning in January
1999. Although many schools will be able to participate
electronically using the current minimum configuration, it is
recommended that schools that need to acquire resources in order to
meet the requirements invest in the equipment and software that will
be needed in the future (January 1999). Schools that currently
participate electronically should prepare to upgrade their equipment
and software in time to meet the January 1999 requirements. When
reviewing these specifications, schools should be aware that capacity
requirements (processor speed, RAM, hard drive storage, etc.) are
greatly affected by specific factors at each school, including which
EDExpress functions the school uses, number of records processed,
and institutional database interfaces.

[[This file contains the " Technical Specifications" chart
on page 3-32 in Portable Document Format (PDF). It can be viewed
with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.]]

Finally, schools should particularly note that, beginning on January
1, 1999, for the 1999-2000 processing year, the Department's
electronic processes will require a Windows 95 or Windows NT
operating system. Neither the Disk Operating System (DOS) or
earlier versions of Windows will be supported.

As electronic processes are announced for implementation, the
Department will provide software where needed. A school is not
restricted to using software provided by the Department to
participate in an electronic process required by the Department. The
school may also use software developed by the school or its vendor
in accordance with specifications provided by the Department.

[[Coordination of aid]
Another standard of administrative capability requires that an eligible
school designate a capable individual2 to administer the SFA
Programs and to coordinate aid from these programs with the
school's other federal and nonfederal student aid programs. The
school's administration must be coordinated in such a way that all the
information it receives concerning a student's SFA eligibility--from
any school office-- is communicated to the financial aid
administrator. To properly package and most effectively use the
various types of student assistance (federal, school, state, private,
etc.), a financial aid administrator must be aware of all sources of aid
at the school and must be able to coordinate with all financial aid
programs a school offers to ensure that a student's aid does not
exceed his or her need.

2 An individual is "capable" if he or she is certified by the state
(in which the school is located), if state certification is required.
Other factors include the individual's successful completion of SFA
Program training provided or approved by the Department, and
previous experience and documented success in SFA Program

[[Consistency of student information]]
The school must have a system of identifying and resolving
discrepancies in the SFA-related information received by various
school offices. Such a system would include a review of all financial
aid and need analysis documents, federal and state income tax forms,
and documents relating to admissions, citizenship, and previous
educational experience. For instance, if a student receives veterans
benefits through one school office, that office must notify the aid
administrator of these benefits to ensure that the amounts are
correctly reported on the student's aid application and are counted as
a resource for the campus-based programs and estimated financial
assistance for the Direct Loan and FFEL programs. As another
example, the school's admissions or registrar's office must provide
the financial aid office with any information that it has affecting a
student's eligibility--the student's enrollment in an ineligible
program, for instance, or past educational experience.

[[OIG referrals]]
If the school finds that a student may have engaged in fraud or other
criminal misconduct in applying for SFA funds, it must refer this
information to the Department's Office of Inspector General (OIG),
which will in turn notify other officials as appropriate. (Please note
that this requirement does not preclude the school from notifying
other law enforcement agencies as necessary.) Some examples of
fraudulent information include the use of false identities, forgery of
signatures or certifications, and false claims of income, citizenship,
or independent student status.

The school must provide adequate financial aid counseling to all
enrolled and prospective students and their families. Counseling
must include, at a minimum, information about the source and
amount of each type of aid offered, the method by which aid is
determined and disbursed or applied to a student's account, and the
rights and responsibilities of the student associated with the student's
enrollment and receipt of financial aid. This information should
include a description of the school's refund policy, satisfactory
progress standards, and any other conditions or factors that may
affect the student's aid package. The school must also provide
entrance and exit counseling for student borrowers in the Perkins,
FFEL, and Direct Loan programs. For a complete discussion of loan
counseling requirements, see Chapter 6 (Perkins Loans), Chapter 10
(FFEL), Chapter 11 (Direct Loans) and Direct Loan entrance and
exit counseling guides.

[[Adequate staffing]]
To manage a school's aid programs effectively, the aid administrator
must be supported by an adequate number of professional,
paraprofessional, and clerical personnel. An "adequate" staff depends
on the number of students aided, the number and types of programs
in which the school participates, the number of applicants evaluated
and processed, the amount of funds administered, and the type of
financial aid delivery system the school uses. What may be adequate
at one school may be completely insufficient at another. The
Department will determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether a school
has an adequate number of qualified persons, based on program
reviews, audits, and information provided on the school's application
for approval to participate in the SFA Programs.

[[Separation of function]]
In addition to having a well-organized financial aid office staffed by
qualified personnel, a school must ensure that its administrative
procedures for the SFA Programs include an adequate system of
internal checks and balances. This system, at a minimum, must
separate the functions of authorizing payment and
disbursing or delivering funds so that no one person or
office exercises both functions for any student receiving SFA funds.
Small schools are not exempt from this requirement even though
they may have limited staff. Individuals working in either
authorization or disbursement may perform other functions as well,
but not both authorization and disbursement. These two functions
must be performed by individuals who are not members of the same
family3 and who do not together exercise substantial control4
over the school. If a school performs any aspect of these functions
via computer, no one person may have the ability to change data that
affect both authorization and disbursement.

3 A member of an individual's family is a parent, sibling, spouse,
child, spouse's parent or sibling, or sibling's or child's spouse.

4 Substantial control is direct or indirect control over at least 25%
ownership interest (either alone or with family members);
representation (under voting trust, power of attorney, or proxy) of a
person who individually or with a group has at least 25% ownership
interest; status as CEO or other executive officer or member of a
board of directors of an entity holding at least 25% ownership

[[Satisfactory progress and financial aid history]]
Two institutional requirements are directly related to student
eligibility: satisfactory academic progress and financial aid history.
An eligible school must have a policy to measure the academic
progress of its students, according to the elements of a reasonable
standard of satisfactory progress as provided in the regulations. In
addition, when a student transfers from one school to another, the
new school must receive a financial aid history for the previous
schools the student has attended before it disburses Federal Pell
Grant, Direct Loan, FFEL, or campus-based funds to the student or
certifies a PLUS Loan application. See Chapter 2 for an overview of
satisfactory progress and financial aid history requirements.

[[High default rates]]
A school is not administratively capable when

- the cohort default rate for Perkins Loans made to students for
attendance at the school exceeds 15% (see Chapter 6 for details),

- the cohort default rate for Stafford/SLS loans or for Direct Loans
made to students for attendance at the school equals or exceeds
25% for one or more of the three most recent fiscal years (see
Chapters 10 and 11 for details).

If a school is not administratively capable solely because of a
high default rate, the Department will provisionally certify the

In addition to affecting a school's administrative capability and
limiting the school's participation in the SFA Programs, a high
default rate may make a school ineligible to participate in the FFEL
or Direct Loan programs or cause the Department to limit, suspend,
or terminate a school's participation in the SFA Programs. See
Chapters 10 and 11 for detailed information on default requirements.

[[Default management plan required]]
In the past, a school with a Stafford/SLS default rate of specified
percentages was required to implement some or all of the default
reduction measures of 34 CFR Part 668, Appendix D of the General
Provision regulations. Final regulations published December 1, 1995
that revised several aspects of the Department's default prevention
and reduction measures removed these requirements beginning with
the 1996-97 award year. However, new schools are still required to
develop a default management plan prior to certification. Also, a
school that undergoes a change in ownership that results in a change
in control, or a school that changes its status as a main campus,
branch campus, or additional location must also develop a default
management plan.

[[Calculating the withdrawal rate]]
New schools (schools that seek to participate in an SFA Program for
the first time) must have an undergraduate withdrawal rate for
regular students of no more than 33% for an award year in order to
be considered administratively capable.

When calculating the withdrawal rate, all regular, enrolled students
must be included. The definition of "enrolled" does not require either
payment of tuition or class attendance; therefore, the withdrawal rate
calculation must include enrolled students who have not yet paid
tuition or who did not actually begin attending classes. A student is
considered to have withdrawn if he or she officially withdraws,
unofficially drops out, or is expelled from the school or receives a
refund of 100% of his or her tuition and fees (less any permitted
administrative fee). A student who withdraws from one or more
courses or programs, but does not withdraw entirely from the school,
does not meet the definition of "withdrawn." Note that the 33%
withdrawal rate applies to all enrolled, regular students--not just to
SFA recipients.

Enrolled--a student enrolls when he or she completes the
registration requirements (except payment of tuition and fees) at
the school. Correspondence students are enrolled if they have been
admitted to the program and have submitted one lesson (that was
completed without the assistance of a school representative).

Debarment And Suspension Certification

[[Debarment of school or its principals]]
Debarment and suspension requirements are also a part of the
administrative capability standards. Debarment and suspension
actions are imposed against individuals who the government
determines constitute a current risk to federal agencies based on the
individual's actions. The Department gives effect to debarment and
suspension actions by other agencies that have been imposed under
procedures that provide due process protections equivalent to those
afforded by the Department.

Before a school may receive Pell Grant or campus-based funding, a
school must certify that neither the school nor its employees have
been debarred or suspended by a federal agency. This certification is
on the PPA and, for schools participating in the campus-based
programs, is included on ED Form 80-0013, which is a part of the
FISAP package mailed to schools each summer.

If the school or its principals have been suspended, debarred, or
proposed for debarment by one federal agency, the school is no
longer eligible to participate in any SFA Program. The principals
of the school include the owners, the directors, officers, partners,
employees, or any other person with primary management or
supervisory responsibilities. A principal may also be someone who is
not employed by the school, but who has critical influence on or
substantive influence over a covered transaction (such as the receipt
of Pell Grant or campus-based funds).

If a school discovers that a person employed in a primary
management or supervisory capacity has been suspended or debarred
by a federal agency, the school must remove that person from such a
position or risk losing its SFA eligibility.

Similar debarment and suspension procedures apply to debarments
and suspensions of lenders or loan servicers under the FFEL

[[Checking prospective employees or contractors]]
To protect itself, a school might ask prospective employees and
contractors about previous debarment or suspension, either in person
or on a written application. A school may also call the Department to
find out if an individual or organization is on the Nonprocurement
List. The debarment or suspension of a person who is not a principal
of the school and who does not work in the financial aid office will
not affect the school's SFA eligibility, so long as that person is not
involved in any covered transactions. The regulations list the
particular transactions from which a debarred or suspended entity is
excluded under the SFA Programs.

[["Lower-tier covered transactions"]]
A school must not enter into lower-tier covered
with a debarred or suspended individual or
organization. A lower-tier covered transaction is any transaction
between a participant in a covered transaction (such as the school)
and another individual or organization, if that transaction stems from
a covered transaction. Examples of common lower-tier covered
transactions are a school's contracts with a financial aid consultant
service or with a loan collection or billing agency. A school must
obtain a certification from any lower-tier organization if the amount
of the lower-tier transaction is $25,000 or more. (The required
certification clause is given on page 25 of "Dear Colleague" letter
GEN-89-21.) The lower-tier organization must inform the school in
writing if the organization or its principals are debarred or
suspended. Therefore, the certification does not need to be renewed
from year to year.


Project EASI (Easy Access for Students and Institutions) is an
initiative of the Department to pursue a collaborative effort among a
diverse group of government, business, and educational leaders to
reengineer the postsecondary student aid delivery system to meet the
needs of its primary customers, the students and their families. Many
of the initiatives of Project EASI, such as a definition of a common
payment period for all SFA Programs and the required use of the
Department's electronic services by schools, will affect the
participation of schools. The reengineered delivery system will meet
the needs of students and their families by providing an integrated
system to facilitate the ability of students and their families to plan
for postsecondary education, choose among postsecondary
educational programs and schools, and finance their choices. This
integrated system will be available for all users of the delivery
system including students and their families, state agencies, and
others. Project EASI will reduce delivery system costs to all
participants, reduce burden (including regulatory burden), reduce
fraud and system vulnerability, and enhance management capabilities
of the Department and other users of the system, including schools
and states.

[[Key elements of Project EASI]]
The following key elements will be part of a reengineered student aid
delivery system:

- Every student will have his or her individual student account. The
individual student account will contain all the student's data in the
system, and all activity in the system concerning the student will
be processed through his or her individual student account.
Individual student accounts will be the basis for integrating the
delivery system.

- A student will be able to provide current information to, and
receive current information from, all system users (for example,
his or her school) through his or her individual account.

- The data in the individual student accounts will reflect
standardized data definitions for all system users, and data
reported using common reporting records.

- The delivery system will not be program specific; it could be used
to deliver funding under any student assistance program.

- To the extent practicable, the delivery system will use advanced
technology to automate data processing and will be a paperless

- Strict security, such as encryption wand controlled access to the
data, will be designed as part of the system.

Additional information, including a more detailed description of
Project EASI, can be found at http://easi.ed.gov on the Project EASI
World Wide Web home page.


There is one definition of a payment period that is applicable to all
SFA Programs, except FWS. The common definition is integral to
requirements for the administration of SFA Program funds. For
example, all SFA Program disbursements must be made on a
payment period basis (for more information, see Section 3). Note
that FFEL and Direct Loan disbursements must still be made in
accordance with the specific disbursement rules for those programs
(see Chapter 10 for specific information on FFEL disbursements, and
Chapter 11 for specific information on Direct Loan disbursements).

This definition of a payment period was included in final regulations
published November 29, 1996. The definition is effective for loan
periods beginning on or after July 1, 1997 for the FFEL and Direct
Loan programs. It is effective on or after July 1, 1997 for the Pell
Grant, FSEOG, and Perkins Loan programs. However, a school was
permitted to use the old Pell Grant disbursement rules for cross-over
payment periods beginning prior to but ending after July 1, 1997.

Under the payment period definition, there are two sets of
requirements: one for term-based credit hour programs, and one for
nonterm credit hour programs and all clock hour programs. There is
no separate definition for clock hour programs that are offered in

For a program offered in semester, trimester, quarter, or other
academic terms and measured in credit hours, the payment period is
the term. For example, if a loan period includes all three quarters of
an academic year, the loan must be disbursed in three substantially
equal payments. This is a change for any quarter-based school that
has been disbursing the loan funds for all three quarters in two

Term-based credit hour programs
Program offered in...
Payment Period is..

- semester
- semester
- trimester
- trimester
- quarter
- quarter
- other academic term
- other academic term

[[Nonstandard terms]]
Programs that are offered in modules are not counted as programs
measured in terms. The phrase "other academic terms" (also known
as nonstandard terms) refers to those structured educational intervals
at a school that do not fit into a normally defined semester, trimester,
or quarter term. For example, other academic terms could include six
five-week terms.

Payment periods for programs measured in credit hours without
terms and all clock hour programs vary depending on whether the
length of the program is

- one academic year or less,

- a multiple of a full academic year,

- longer than an academic year with a remainder shorter than or
equal to one half of an academic year, or

- longer than an academic year with a remainder shorter than an
academic year, but longer than one half of an academic year.

[[Academic year or less]]
If the program is an academic year or less in length, the first payment
period is the period of time in which the student completes the first
half of the program, as measured in credit or clock hours. The second
payment period is the period of time in which the student completes
the second half of the program as measured in credit or clock hours.

Nonterm credit hour programs and all clock hour programs of one
academic year or less

First payment period
- period of time in which student completes first half of the

Second payment period
- period of time in which student completes remainder of the

For example, if a program is 600 clock hours and the academic year
is defined as 900 clock hours, the first payment period is the period
of time needed for the student to complete the first 300 clock hours.
The second payment period would be the period of time needed for
the student to complete the last 300 clock hours (see example one on
the next page). If the program was equal to the academic year (900
clock hours), the first payment period would be the period of time
needed for the student to complete the first 450 clock hours. The
second payment period would be the period of time needed for the
student to complete the second 450 clock hours (see example two on
the next page).

[[This file contains the "Example - One academic year or
less" on page 3-41 in Portable Document Format (PDF). It can be viewed
with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.]]

[[Multiples of a full academic year]]
If the program is equal to two or more complete academic years, for
the first academic year and any subsequent academic year, the first
payment period is the period of time in which the student completes
the first half of the academic year, as measured in credit or clock
hours. The second payment period is the period of time in which the
student completes the second half of the academic year as measured
in credit or clock hours.

[[This file contains the chart "Payment periods for nonterm
credit hour programs and all clock hour programs longer than one
academic year" on page 3-41 in Portable Document Format (PDF). It
can be viewed with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat
Reader software.]]

For example, if a program is 1800 clock hours and the academic year
is defined as 900 clock hours, the first payment period for both the
first and subsequent academic year is the period of time needed for
the student to complete the first 450 clock hours. The second
payment period would be the period of time needed for the student to
complete the next 450 clock hours (see example below).

[[This file contains the chart "Example - Multiples of an
academic year" on page 3-42 in Portable Document Format (PDF).
It can be viewed with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat
Reader software.]]

[[Longer than academic year with remainder]]
If the program is longer than an academic year, but has a remaining
portion of the program that is not equal to an academic year, for the
first academic year and any subsequent full academic year, the first
payment period is the period of time in which the student completes
the first half of the academic year, as measured in credit or clock
hours. The second payment period is the period of time in which the
student completes the second half of the academic year as measured
in credit or clock hours. For the remaining portion of the program, if
the remainder is equal to or shorter than one half of an academic
year, the payment period is the remaining portion of the program.

For example, if a program is 1200 clock hours and the academic year
is defined as 900 clock hours, the first payment period for the first
academic year is the period of time needed for the student to
complete the first 450 clock hours. The second payment period
would be the period of time needed for the student to complete the
next 450 clock hours. The first, and only, payment period for the
second academic year is equal to the remaining portion of the
program (see example below).

[[This file contains the chart "Example - Remainder
equal to or shorter than half an academic year" on page 3-42 in
Portable Document Format (PDF). It can be viewed with version
3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.]]

If the remaining portion of the program is more than one half of an
academic year, but less than a full academic year, for the remaining
portion of the program the first payment period is the period of time
in which the student completes the first half of the remaining portion
of the program, as measured in credit or clock hours. The second
payment period is the period of time in which the student completes
the second half of the remaining portion of the program as measured
in credit or clock hours.

For example, if a program is 1700 clock hours and the academic year
is defined as 900 clock hours, the first payment period for the first
academic year is the period of time needed for the student to
complete the first 450 clock hours. The second payment period
would be the period of time needed for the student to complete the
next 450 clock hours. The first payment period for the second
academic year would be the period of time needed for the student to
complete the next 400 clock hours. The second payment period for
the second academic year would be the period of time needed for the
student to complete the final 400 clock hours (see example below).

[[This file contains the chart "Example - Remainder greater
than half an academic year" on page 3-43 in Portable Document Format
(PDF). It can be viewed with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe
Acrobat Reader software.]]

In addition, if a student is enrolled in a program measured in credit
hours without terms and the school does not award credits until the
entire program is complete, the second payment period begins on the
later of

- the calendar midpoint between the first and last scheduled days of
class of the program or academic year, or

- the date, as determined by the school, that the student has
completed half of the academic coursework.

[[Definition of coursework]]
The term academic coursework does not necessarily refer to credits.
It may refer to the lessons or other measures of learning within a
course. For instance, for a course made up of 40 equal lessons, the
student reaches the halfway point in the coursework after completing
20 lessons.

- If the student completes the first 20 lessons before the calendar
midpoint of the academic year, the second payment period does
not begin until the calendar midpoint.

- If the student completes the first 20 lessons after the calendar
midpoint of the academic year, the second payment period does
not begin until the student completes the first 20 lessons.

[[More than two payment periods]]
For a program measured in credit hours without terms and any clock
hour program, a school may choose to have more than two payment
periods per academic year. If so, the length of the payment periods
must be substantially equal throughout the academic year. For
example, if a school chooses to have three payment periods in an
academic year, each payment period must correspond to one-third of
the academic year. Each subsequent payment period cannot begin
until the student completes the clock or credit hours in the previous
payment period.


[[30-week minimum of instructional time]]
Every eligible program, including graduate programs, must have a
defined academic year that contains a minimum of 30 weeks of
instructional time. In addition, for undergraduate programs, over the
minimum of 30 weeks of instructional time, a full-time student must
be expected to complete at least 24 semester or trimester hours, 36
quarter hours, or 900 clock hours as appropriate. A school may
determine the amount of work a full-time graduate or professional
student is expected to complete over an academic year.

[[Determining academic year length]]
A school may have different academic years for different programs,
but must use the same academic year definition (1) for calculating all
SFA awards for students enrolled in a particular program and (2) for
all other SFA Program purposes, such as the certification of loan
deferments. To determine the number of weeks of instructional time,
a school must count the period that begins on the first day of classes
and ends on the last day of classes or examinations.

[[Definition of a week]]
For all programs except those measured in credit hours without
standard terms, a "week of instructional time" is any seven day
period in which at least one day of regularly scheduled instruction,
examination, or preparation for examinations occurs. (Instructional
time does not include periods of orientation, counseling, vacation, or
other activity not related to class preparation or examination.) The
requirements for a "week of instructional time" are similar to those
for a "week of instruction" for the eligible program definitions (see
page 3-13).

[[12-hour rule]]
For educational programs measured in credit hours without standard
terms (semesters, trimesters, or quarters), a week of instruction must
include at least 12 hours of instruction, examinations, or preparation
for examinations within a consecutive seven-day period.

[[30 calendar week year assumes class meets 12 hours per week]]
A school wishing to set its academic year to be only 30 calendar
weeks long (for this purpose a calendar week is seven consecutive
days) would have to meet an average of 12 hours per week for the 30
calendar-week period. A school with a program that meets less
frequently than 12 hours a week would have to meet enough
calendar weeks to provide 360 hours of instruction, examinations, or
preparation for examinations (30 calendar weeks x 12 hours per
week) in order to have a program offered over a full academic year
(equivalent to 30 weeks of instructional time).

For example, if a school wants to establish an academic year of 30
weeks of instructional time for a credit-hour, nonterm program that
meets 10 hours a week, the school would need to have approximately
36 calendar weeks (36 calendar weeks x 10 hours per week = 360
hours of instruction, examinations, or preparation for examinations)
in order to have the equivalent of 30 weeks of instructional time for a
full academic year. Therefore, in this example, a student enrolled in
this program would not be eligible to take out another Stafford Loan
until he or she had completed the required amount of work and 36
calendar weeks had elapsed. A school must also use this calculation
to determine when one-third and two-thirds of an academic year
have occurred.

[[Pell calculations]]
When calculating awards under the Pell Grant Program, a school
must always use weeks of instructional time (see Chapter 4).
However, the length of the academic year in calendar weeks will
probably exceed the number of weeks of instructional time.

Because the 12-hour rule does not require a school to offer
instruction, examinations, or preparation for examinations on
specific days, a school may not include a holiday as a day of
instruction unless regularly scheduled instruction, examinations, or
preparation for examinations occurs on that day.

For more information on the effects of the 12-hour rule on a
particular SFA Program, see the relevant program chapter in this

[[Reductions in academic year length]]
The law permits schools that provide two-year or four-year associate
or baccalaureate degree programs to apply to the Department if they
want to establish a full academic year of less than 30 weeks of
instructional time. The Department is permitted to grant a reduction
in the length of an academic year to no less than 26 weeks of
instructional time. If a reduction is approved, a school is permitted to
have an academic year of less than 30 weeks of instructional time
(but no less than 26 weeks of instructional time) without any
reduction in the amount of SFA funds that a student enrolled in an
eligible program is eligible to receive for an entire academic year.

A reduction is available to schools that want to begin or continue to
operate with a reduced academic year on a long-term basis. This
reduction must be renewed each time a school is required to apply
for recertification.

When evaluating a school's application for a reduction, the
Department will consider factors such as

- the school's compliance with awarding and disbursement
procedures based on the academic year requirements of the Higher
Education Amendments of 1992,

- the approval of the academic year by the school's accrediting
agency or state agency,

- the hours of attendance and other coursework that a full-time
student is required to complete in the academic year, and

- any unique circumstances that justify granting the request.

For further details on the information required for submission of a
request for a reduction, see 34 CFR 668.3.

If a school is ineligible for a reduction in the length of an academic
year because of noncompliance with awarding and disbursement
procedures, that school may be eligible if the school makes
arrangements with the Department to recalculate awards as necessary
and repay any resulting liabilities.


Section 668.25 of the General Provisions regulations contains
requirements for all participating institutions that contract with third-
party servicers. As defined by regulation, a third-party servicer is an
individual or organization that enters into a contract (written or
otherwise) with a school to administer any aspect of the institution's
SFA participation.

[[Activities included in "servicer" definition]]
Examples of functions that are covered by this definition include

- processing student financial aid applications, performing need
analysis, and determining student eligibility or related activities;

- certifying loan applications, servicing loans, or collecting loans;

- processing output documents for payment to students, and
receiving, disbursing, or delivering SFA funds;

- conducting required student consumer information services;

- preparing and certifying requests for advance or reimbursement
funding, preparing and submitting notices and applications
required of eligible and participating schools, or preparing the
Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate (FISAP);

- processing enrollment verification for deferment forms or Student
Status Confirmation Reports.

[[Excluded activities]]
Examples of functions that are not covered by this definition include

- performing lock-box processing of loan payments,

- performing normal electronic fund transfers (EFTs),

- publishing ability-to-benefit tests,

- performing functions as a Multiple Data Entry Processor (MDE),

- financial and compliance auditing,

- mailing documents prepared by the institution, or warehousing
institutional records, and

- providing computer services or software.

[[Definition of "employee"]]
An employee of a school is not a third-party servicer. For this
purpose, an employee is one who

- works on a full-time, part-time, or temporary basis,

- performs all duties on site at the school under the supervision of
the school,

- is paid directly by the school,

- is not employed by or associated with a third-party servicer, and

- is not a third-party servicer for any other school.

[[Eligible servicer; applicable requirements]]
A school may only contract with an eligible third-party servicer, as
defined by specific regulatory criteria. Under such a contract, the
servicer agrees to comply with all applicable requirements, to refer
any suspicion of fraudulent or criminal conduct in relation to SFA
Program administration to the Department's Inspector General, and,
if the servicer disburses funds, to confirm student eligibility and
make required refunds.

If the contract is terminated, or the servicer ceases to perform any
functions prescribed under the contract, the servicer must return all
applicable SFA funds and related records to the school.

[[School is liable]]
Although an eligible servicer must meet all these and other
requirements, the school remains liable for any and all SFA-related
actions taken by the servicer on its behalf, under the terms of the

Schools should already have notified the Department of all existing
third-party servicer contracts. If a school has not notified the
Department, the school must do so by providing the Department with
the following information for each third-party servicer with which
the school contracts: name, address, employer identification number,
telephone number, fax number, and Internet address.

If a school has submitted information regarding its third-party
servicers as part of an application for certification or recertification,
no additional submission is required. A school is not required to
notify the Department if it does not contract with any third-party

[[Must report contracts]]
Schools are also required to notify the Department if the school
enters into a new contract with a third-party servicer; the school
significantly modifies a contract with an existing third-party servicer;
the school or one of its third-party servicers terminates a contract, or
a third-party servicer ceases to provide contracted services, goes out
of business, or files for bankruptcy. Notification to the Department
(which must include the name and address of the servicer and the
nature of the change or action) must be made within ten days of the
date of the change or action.

Schools are not required to provide copies of the actual contracts
with third-party servicers unless the Department specifically requests
the school to submit the contracts.

When submitting information on third-party servicers to the
Department, a school must display its OPEID (the institutional
identifier found on the eligibility or approval letter establishing its
HEA eligibility) on the upper right side of the transmittal.

The information must be provided to the Department at one of the
following addresses (submissions should be marked "Third-Party
Servicer Report"):

By regular mail

U.S. Department of Education
Institutional Participation and Oversight Service
P.O. Box 44805
L'Enfant Plaza Station
Washington, DC 20026-4805

By overnight mail or courier delivery

U.S. Department of Education
Institutional Participation and Oversight Service
7th and D Streets, SW
GSA Building, Room 3522
Washington, DC 20407

By Internet



The HEA requires a school to certify to the Department that it
operates a drug abuse prevention program that is accessible to its
students, employees, and officers. Two other laws added related
requirements for postsecondary schools that receive SFA funds.

The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Public Law 101-690)
requires a federal grant recipient to certify that it provides
a drug-free workplace. Because a school applies for and receives its
campus-based allocation directly from the Department, the school is
considered to be a grantee for purposes of the Act. Therefore, to
receive campus-based funds, a school must complete the certification
on ED Form 80-0013, which is part of the FISAP package (the
application for campus-based funds). This certification must be
signed by the school's CEO or other official with authority to sign
the certification on behalf of the entire institution.

The certification lists a number of steps that the school must take to
provide a drug-free workplace, including

[[Requirements for a drug-free workplace]]
- establishing a drug-free awareness program to provide
information to employees,

- distributing a notice to its employees of prohibited unlawful
activities and the school's planned actions against an employee
who violates these prohibitions, and

- notifying the Department and taking appropriate action when it
learns of an employee's conviction under any criminal drug

A school's Administrative Cost Allowance (ACA) may be used to
help defray related expenses, such as the cost of printing
informational materials given to employees. For more information on
ACAs, see Section 3.

[[Scope of drug-free workplace]]
The drug-free workplace requirements apply to all offices and
departments of a school that receives campus-based funds.
Organizations that contract with the school are considered
subgrantees; however, only grantees are subject to the requirements
of the Drug-Free Workplace Act.

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (P.L. 101-226)
requires a school to certify that it has adopted and implemented a
program to prevent drug and alcohol abuse by its students. Unlike
the annual drug-free workplace certification, a school usually will
only submit this new certification to the Department once. (An
exception would be a school that changes ownership.)

[[Information to be distributed to students]]
The drug prevention program adopted by the school must include
annual distribution to all students and employees of information
concerning drug and alcohol abuse as described above, except that
these steps must be taken by schools that receive any federal
and must include the school's students as well as its
employees. The information that must be distributed is more
specifically described in Section 8.

[[Developing a drug prevention program]]
A school must review its drug prevention program once every two
years to determine its effectiveness and to ensure that its sanctions
are being enforced. The development of a drug prevention program,
although it is a condition for SFA funds, is usually an enterprise that
is undertaken by the school administration at large, not by the
financial aid office. The regulations originally published on this topic
(August 16, 1990) were mailed to participating schools at the time;
they offer a number of suggestions for developing a drug prevention
program. Also, several organizations that can serve as resources are
listed on the next page.

The effectiveness of a school's drug prevention program may be
measured by tracking

[[Measuring the effectiveness of the program]]
- The number of drug- and alcohol-related disciplinary actions,

- The number of drug- and alcohol-related treatment referrals,

- The number of drug- and alcohol-related incidents recorded by
campus police or other law enforcement officials,

- The number of drug- and alcohol-related incidents of vandalism,

- The number of students or employees attending self-help or other
counseling groups related to alcohol or drug abuse, and

- Student, faculty, and employee attitudes and perceptions about the
drug and alcohol problem on campus.

A school that does not certify that it has a drug prevention program,
or that fails to carry out a drug prevention program, may lose its
approval to participate in the SFA Programs. (See the regulations for
details on Department sanctions and appeals procedures available to
the school.)

Additional Sources of Information
The following resources are available for schools that are
developing drug prevention programs.

+ The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and Referral

Information and referral line that directs callers to treatment
centers in the local community. (1-800-662-HELP)

+ The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Helpline.
A line that provides information only to private entities about
workplace programs and drug testing. Proprietary and private
nonprofit but not public postsecondary schools may use this
line. (1-800-967-5752)

+ The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information.
Information and referral line that distributes U.S. Department of
Education publications about drug and alcohol prevention
programs as well as material from other federal agencies.


In accordance with P.L. 101-121 (and regulations published
December 20, 1989), any school receiving more than $100,000 for
campus-based Programs must provide the following to the
Department for each award year:

[[Forms required for schools with campus-based allocation over

- CERTIFICATION FORM (Combined with Debarment and Drug-
Free Workplace certifications, ED-80-0013) The school will not
use federal funds to pay a person for lobbying activities in
connection with federal grants or cooperative agreements. This
certification must be renewed each year for your school to be able
to draw down campus-based funds.

- DISCLOSURE FORM (Standard Form LLL) If the school has
used nonfederal funds to pay a noninstitutional employee for
lobbying activities, the school must disclose these lobbying
activities to the Department. The school must update this
disclosure at least quarterly, when changes occur.

Both of these forms are sent to schools with the campus-based fiscal
report/application (FISAP) each summer. The certification form and
the disclosure form must be signed by the CEO or other individual
who has the authority to sign on behalf of the entire institution. A
school is advised to retain a copy in its files.

This certification primarily covers the use of the campus-based
Administrative Cost Allowance (ACA). Schools may not use the
ACA to pay for their membership in professional associations (such
as NASFAA, NATTS, AICS, or NACUBO), regardless of whether
the association engages in lobbying activities. Association
membership is not a legitimate administrative cost of the SFA

[[ACA may not be used for membership fees]]
The school is also responsible for payments made on its behalf,
and must include the certification in award documents for any
subgrantees or contractors (such as need analysis servicers, financial
aid consultants, or other third parties paid from the ACA). See
Section 3 for more information on the ACA.