Federal Student Aid - IFAP
AwardYear: 1996-97
EnterChapterNo: 6
EnterChapterTitle: Federal Perkins Loan Program
SectionTitle: Introduction
PageNumbers: 1-5

Loans under the Federal Perkins Loan Program include Federal
Perkins Loans, National Direct Student Loans (NDSLs), and
National Defense Loans. (No new Defense Loans were made after
July 1, 1972, but a few are still in repayment.) Federal Perkins Loans
and NDSLs are low-interest, long-term loans made through
institutional financial aid offices to help needy undergraduate and
graduate students pay postsecondary educational costs. The school
must give priority to students with exceptional financial need as
defined by the school. (See Section 1 of this chapter.) The current
interest rate is 5%.

Loans made before July 1, 1972 were Defense Loans. Loans made
from July 1, 1972 through June 30, 1987 were NDSLs. A loan made
on or after July 1, 1987 may be either an NDSL or a Perkins Loan. If
the borrower has an outstanding balance on a Defense Loan or
NDSL when the new loan is obtained, the new loan is an NDSL. If
the borrower has no outstanding balance on a Defense Loan or
NDSL when the new loan is obtained, the new loan is a Perkins

[[The illustration on page 6-1 is currently unavailable for viewing.
Please reference your paper handbook for additional information.]]


The following changes affect the Federal Perkins Loan Program:

- The amount of time a school must retain federal student aid
records has been reduced from five years to three years. Generally,
a school must keep records pertaining to a specific award year for
three years after submitting the FISAP for that award year. There
are two exceptions: one for loan records and one for records of
expenditures questioned in audits or program reviews. Repayment
records for Perkins Loans, NDSLs, and Defense Loans (including
cancellation and deferment requests) must be kept for at least three
years from the date the loan is assigned to ED, canceled, or repaid.
Records questioned in an audit or program review must be kept
until the questions are resolved.

- Prior to the 1996-97 award year, a school was allowed to keep the
required campus-based program records on microforms or in
computer format. Beginning with 1996-97, a school may keep the
records in one of those formats or on optical disk or other
comparable imaging technology. Also beginning with the 1996-97
award year, if a school keeps its records in computer format, the
school must maintain the source documents supporting the
computer input in hard copy, microforms, optical disk, or other
comparable imaging technology.

- The Perkins Loan promissory note signature requirements were
changed for the 1996-97 award year and subsequent award years.
A Perkins Loan or NDSL borrower no longer is required to sign
for each disbursement. Instead, he or she can sign just once each
award year for all of the expected disbursements in that award

- ED has also developed new, shorter Perkins Loan/NDSL
promissory notes for the 1996-97 award year and subsequent
award years. The new notes incorporate the signature requirement
change. An example of these redesigned notes will be sent to
schools as part of a "Dear Colleague" letter in the summer
of 1996.

[[34CFR 674.2]]
- The definition of "making a loan" has been changed. A Perkins
Loan or NDSL is now considered to be made when the borrower
has signed the promissory note for the award year and the school
makes the first disbursement of loan funds under that promissory
note for that award year. Previously, a loan was considered to be
made when the borrower signed for an advance of loan funds and
those funds were disbursed.

- Section 674.31 of the regulations was amended to clarify that a
school must use the Secretary’s promissory notes and that the
school may make only nonsubstantive changes to these notes.

[[34CFR 674.33]]
- A school may now combine the last scheduled Perkins Loan or
NDSL payment with the next-to-last payment if the last payment
is $25 or less. (See Section 3 of this chapter for more information.)

[[34CFR 674.47]]
- A school may cease collection activity on certain defaulted
accounts and may write off accounts of less than $5. (See
Section 7 of this chapter for more information.)


As discussed in Chapters 3 and 5, a school that wants to participate
in any Student Financial Assistance (SFA) Program must sign a
Program Participation Agreement with the Secretary. The agreement
must be signed by the school official legally authorized to assume,
on the school’s behalf, the agreement’s obligations.

For all of the SFA Programs, the agreement provides that the school
must use the funds it receives solely for the purposes specified in the
regulations for each program and requires the school to administer
each program in accordance with the Higher Education Act of 1965
(HEA), as amended, and the Student Assistance General Provisions
regulations. The agreement also requires the school to submit
annually to the U.S. Department of Educaton (ED) a report
containing information that will enable ED to determine the school’s
cohort default rate (discussed in Section 8 of this chapter).

The agreement for the Federal Perkins Loan Program also requires
the school to establish and maintain a Federal Perkins Loan fund (the
fund) and to deposit into the fund--

- the federal capital contribution (FCC) the school receives as its
federal allocation for the program for each award year (see the
next page);

- the school’s matching share--the institution’s capital contribution
(ICC), discussed on the next page;

- payments the school receives for repayment of loan principal,
interest, collection charges, and penalty or late charges on loans
from the fund;

- payments the school receives from the federal government for
cancellations (such as teacher cancellations) of Perkins Loans and
NDSLs (see Section 5 of this chapter);

- any other earnings on fund assets, including net interest earnings
on funds deposited in an interest-bearing account (total interest
minus bank charges incurred on the account); and

- proceeds of any short-term no-interest loans the school makes to
the fund in anticipation of receipt of its FCC or of loan collections.


As discussed in the introduction to Chapter 5, a school applies for
program funds annually through the electronic Fiscal Operations
Report and Application to Participate (FISAP). ED allocates funds
directly to schools. The allocation (FCC) for the Federal Perkins
Loan Program is the amount of funding the school is authorized to
receive from ED for an award year. This amount is based on the
funds appropriated by Congress for the program, as well as the
allocation formulas, which were established by law and which do not
provide for appeals.

The following provisions of the HEA and the Federal Perkins Loan
Program regulations affect the school’s allocation:

[[HEA 462(a)]]
- ED bases the initial allocation of a school’s FCC on the amount
allocated to the school for the 1985-86 award year.

[[34CFR 674.4(b)]]
- ED reallocates funds to schools by reallocating 80% in accordance
with the statutory formula in section 462(j) of the HEA and
reallocating 20% in a manner that best carries out the purposes of
the Federal Perkins Loan Program.

[[34CFR 674.8]]
- The school’s matching share or ICC is one-third of the FCC (or
25% of the COMBINED FCC and ICC); however, schools
participating in the ELO are required to provide a dollar-for-dollar
match with the FCC.

- If a school returns more than 10% of its FCC, ED will reduce the
school’s FCC for the second succeeding year by the dollar amount

[[34CFR 674.18(c)]]
- A school may transfer up to a total of 25% of its FCC for an award
year to either or both the FSEOG and FWS programs.

- A school may transfer up to 100% of its initial and supplemental
allocations to the Work-Colleges Program.

- A school must match any funds transferred to another program at
the matching rate of that program. The school does not have to
provide matching funds until the transfer has occurred.

- A school must use the transferred funds according to the
requirements of the program to which they are transferred.

- A school must report any funds that are transferred to another
program on the Fiscal Operations Report portion of the FISAP.

- A school that transfers funds to the FWS, FSEOG, and/or Work-
Colleges programs must transfer any unexpended funds BACK to
the Federal Perkins Loan Program at the end of the award year.

[[34CFR 674.5]]
- If a school’s cohort default rate equals or exceeds 20%, the
school’s FCC will be reduced by a default penalty percentage
calculated in relation to the school’s cohort default rate. (See
Section 8, "Default.")