One of the best methods of assuring your company's recovery is to provide for your co-workers' well-being. Communicate regularly with employees before, during and after an incident.
- Involve co-workers from all levels in emergency planning.
- Use newsletters, intranets, staff meetings and other internal communications tools to communicate emergency plans and procedures.
- Set up procedures to warn employees. Plan how you will communicate with people who are hearing-impaired or have other disabilities or who do not speak English.
- Consider setting up a telephone call tree, password-protected page on the company website, email alert or call-in voice recording to communicate with employees in an emergency.
- Designate an out-of-town phone number where employees can leave an "I'm Okay" message in a catastrophic disaster. Remember to minimize your calls and keep them short so others can get through.
- Encourage employees to have alternate means and routes for getting to and from work, in case their normal mode of transportation is interrupted.
- Keep a record of employee emergency contact information with other important documents in your emergency kit and at an off-site location.
- If you rent, lease or share space with other businesses, it is important to communicate, share and coordinate evacuation procedures and other emergency plans.