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AFM Programs & Services

Conflict Management Training

Conflict Management Training: General Information

The Conflict Management Training focuses on communication skills and self-awareness that are integral in improving the quality of our work environment. Communication breakdowns resulting from misperceptions, and the differences in working styles and approaches often predominantly occupy our attention.

Phase 1. Improve Communication/Active Listening Skills. The initial phase involves the development/improvement of communication and active listening skills. The benefits of different communication techniques such as paraphrasing, empathizing will be discussed.

Phase 2. Identify Different Working Styles. One source of conflict in the workplace has been our different working styles. If we look at these differences as assets, not as barriers, the composite enhances our abilities to achieve even more. We generally fall into one of four working styles. You will identify your personal working style and practical approaches on how you can best relate to the other styles.

Phase 3. Identify and Develop Your Own Conflict Management Style. It only follows, that if there is a variety of different working styles, that we also have varied styles or strategies for addressing conflict. You will identify your dominant conflict management strategy. We will also explore the five different conflict management strategies describing the corresponding trade-offs, and their appropriate usage in different situations.

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