While there is no way to predict what will happen or what your business's circumstances will be, there are things you can do in advance to help protect your physical assets.
- Install fire extinguishers and smoke detectors in appropriate places.
- Locate and make available building and site maps with critical utility and emergency routes clearly marked.
- Plan to provide a copy to fire fighters or other first responders in the event of a disaster.
- Keep copies of these documents with your emergency plan and other important documents in your Emergency Supply Kit.
- Consider if you could benefit from automatic fire sprinklers, alarm systems, closed circuit TV, access control, security guards or other security systems.
- Secure ingress and egress. Consider all the ways in which people, products, supplies and other things get into and leave your building or facility.
Plan for mail safety. The nation's battle against terrorism takes place on many fronts, including the mailrooms of U.S. companies. A properly informed and well-trained work force can overcome such threats.
- Teach employees to be able to quickly identify suspect packages and letters. Warning signs include:
- Misspelled words
- No return address
- Excessive use of tape
- Strange discoloration or odor
The United States Postal Service suggests that if a suspect letter or package is identified:
- Don't open, smell, touch or taste
- Immediately isolate suspect packages and letters
- Move out of the area and don't let others in
- Quickly wash with soap and water and remove contaminated clothing
- Contact local law enforcement authorities
- Post emergency numbers for easy reference.
- Teach employees to be able to quickly identify suspect packages and letters. Warning signs include:
- Identify what production machinery, computers, custom parts or other essential equipment is needed to keep the business open.
- Plan how to replace or repair vital equipment if it is damaged or destroyed.
- Identify more than one supplier who can replace or repair your equipment.
- Store extra supplies, materials and equipment for use in an emergency.
- Plan what you will do if your building, plant or store is not usable.
- Consider if you can run the business from a different location or from your home.
- Develop relationships with other companies to use their facilities in case a disaster makes your location unusable.
- Identify and comply with all local, state and federal codes and other safety regulations that apply to your business.
- Talk to your insurance provider about what impact any of these steps may have on your policy.