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Small Agency CFO Council
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Small Agencies
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 Liaisons to the CFO Council
 CFO Small Agency Council
 Mr. Steven A. Fisher
 Chief Financial Officer
 Federal Trade Commission
 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
 Washington, DC 20580
 Office Phone: 202-326-2116
 Fax: 202-326-2329
 Mr. Anton C. Porter
 Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
 Office of the Executive Director
888 First Street, NE, ED-11
 Washington, DC 20426
 Office Phone: 202-502-8728
 Fax: 202-219-8973
 Chief Acquisition Officers Council (CAOC)
 Mr. Corey Rindner
 Procurement Executive
 Department of State
 1701 North Fort Myers Drive
SA-6, Suite 603
 Arlington, VA 22209
 Office Phone: 703-516-1689
 Fax: 703-875-6155
 Chief Human Capital Officers Council (CHCO)
  Position Vacant
 Executive Director, Chief Human Capital Officers Council
 Office of Personnel Management
 1900 E Street, NW
Room 5526
 Washington, DC 20415
 Office Phone: 202-606-1000
 Fax: 202-606-2076
 Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE)
 Mr. Paul Granetto
 Assistant Inspector General for Defense Financial Auditing Service, Department of Defense
 Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE)
 400 Army Navy Drive
Room 1000
 Arlington, VA 22202
 Office Phone: 703-428-1420
 Fax: 703-428-0825
 Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB)
 Ms. Wendy M. Payne
 Executive Director
 Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
 441 G Street, NW
Suite 6814
 Washington, DC 20548
 Office Phone: 202-512-7350
 Fax: 202-512-7366
 Intelligence Community
 Mr. Bryan Smith
 Acting Chief Financial Officer
 Director of National Intelligence
Bolling Air Force Base
 Washington, DC 20511
 Office Phone: 202-201-1729
 Fax: 202-201-1819
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