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Tuesday, April 28th, 2009 at 3:58 pm

At the FBI

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Today the President visited FBI Headquarters in DC to commend FBI employees on their work, and elaborate on the theme he discussed with CIA employees that upholding American values while keeping the country safe is not only possible, but essential:

In so many ways, the FBI is a unique institution.  You're unique because the FBI is both an intelligence agency and a law enforcement agency.  You must both prevent danger and help us pursue those who carry it out.  You protect us and you protect the civil liberties that we cherish.

But after all, that is why America is unique -- because of that fundamental belief that we are committed both to our security and to the rule of law; because of that hard-earned truth that we are always stronger when we act in concert with our most deeply held values.

I have no illusions that this is simple or easy.  Many of you made enormous sacrifices and are incredibly dedicated.  Living our values means that we must hold ourselves to higher standard than our enemies.  We face a long struggle against a determined adversary.  We know that al Qaeda is not constrained by a constitution, or by allegiance to anything other than a hateful ideology and a determination to kill as many innocents as possible.  But what makes the United States of America so special is precisely the fact that we are willing to uphold our values and our ideals not just when it's easy, but when it's hard; we've been called to serve in such a time.  (Applause.)

And I have to say that I am heartened but what I see here today.  Each of you has made the decision to serve your country, and you are dong so at a critical time.  And you know, none of us can know with certain [sic] what the future will hold.  But I do know that the FBI can and will continue to adapt to new dangers, that you will be critical in leading the way in keeping this country safe.  And we are counting on you.




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