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Listing of EDGAR XBRL Validation Errors and Warnings

For the mandatory use of interactive data, the final rules indicate that EDGAR will identify major and minor errors. The EDGAR system will give the filer the error message if one is detected.

The errors are classified by EDGAR as either a major error or warning (a warning is the same as a minor error). A major error is an error that will cause your XBRL files to be stripped out of your filing. This means, the XBRL exhibit will not be filed, although the remainder of the submission will be. You will need to correct the error(s) prior to resubmitting to EDGAR. A minor error is an error in your submission that will pass through EDGAR, however does not conform to the all of the specifications outlined for XBRL submissions. For your convenience, we have provided links below to the full listing of all the potential errors and warnings that one may encounter through the EDGAR validation process.

To assist in the validation process filers can make test submissions to EDGAR. Filers can also view what their filings will look like on the official viewer prior to making an official filing through our previewer (https://ideapreview.sec.gov/previewer/). In addition to these new features, filers can contact our EDGAR filer support team. Staff in the Branches of Filer Support and Filer Technical Support are available to assist filers each business day from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The Branches of Filer Support and Filer Technical Support may be reached at (202) 551-8900.

Major Errors

Minor (warning) Errors



Modified: 03/20/2009