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Title:  Students Who Prepare for College and a Vocation
Description: This issue brief focuses on high school students who complete both a vocational and a college preparatory curriculum. The percentage of students who complete both curricula is small but growing. Those who concentrate in vocational areas that use computers most extensively (business and technology/communications) are most likely to also complete a college preparatory curriculum. The academic achievement gains and postsecondary participation rates of students who complete both curricula are similar to those who complete only a college preparatory curriculum.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: August 1999
Web Release: August 31, 1999
Print Release: August 31, 1999
Publication #: NCES 1999072
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NCES
Authors: Lisa Hudson (NCES) and David Hurst (ESSI)
Type of Product: Issue Brief
Survey/Program Areas: Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES)
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Issue Brief, please contact:
Lisa Hudson.
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006, USA
Phone: (202) 502-7300 (map)