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P3: People, Prosperity and the Planet Student Design Competition for Sustainability

2009 Event

Lisa Jackson Tasks the Next Generation of Scientists and Engineers to Seize the Moment to Develop a Green Economy (4:46)
Windows Media Player (4:46, 8.67 MB)

2008 Event

Expo and P3 Program Overview by EPA (Flash Video, 4:54 | Windows Media Player Video, 4:54, 29.4 MB)

Expo and P3 Program Overview and Interview with Bassist Benj Gershman of O.A.R. by Student Volunteers from Jefferson High School, Charles Town, WV (Flash Video, 4:37, 16.72 MB, | Windows Media Player Video, 4:37, 26.5 MB)

Students' Designs Provide Look into Future (3:03, RealPlayer)

2008 Project Winners

P3: A Novel Reactor Design for Efficient Production of Biodiesel from High Free-Fatty-Acid Oils (Flash Video, 2:24, 10.56MB | Windows Media Player Video, 2:24, 12.76 MB)

P3: Design and Testing of a Point of Use Electrolytic Chlorine Generator for Drinking Water Disinfection in Poor Countries (Flash Video, 3:17, 15.67MB | Windows Media Player Video, 3:17 18.5 MB)

P3: Electrochemical Arsenic Remediation in Rural Bangladesh (Flash Video, 2:58, 13.79MB | Windows Media Player Video, 2:58, 16.8 MB)

P3: Innovative Biodiesel Production: A Solution to the Scientific, Technical, and Educational Challenges of Sustainability (Flash Video, 3:07, 14.88MB | Windows Media Player Video, 3:07, 17.77 MB)

P3: Production of Natural Plastics in Wastewater Treatment (Flash Video, 3:10, 11.74MB | Windows Media Player Video, 3:10, 15.91 MB)

P3: Sustainable Water Development Program for Rural Nigeria (Flash Video, 3:01, 14.25MB | Windows Media Player Video, 3:01, 17.18 MB)

2008 Honorable Mentions

P3: The Boone Bicycle Initiative: A Community Based Project to Promote Bicycles as an Alternative Mode of Transportation (Flash Movie, 15.27MB)

P3: Waste Tires on the Island of Dominica: Survey and Solutions (Flash Movie, 13MB)

P3: Development Plan of a Sustainable Micro Hydro Power Plant and Distribution System for Tribal Village Cluster in Rural India (Flash Movie, 14.62MB)

P3: West Africa Technology, Education and Reciprocity (WATER) for Benin (Flash Movie, 14.72MB)

P3: Catching the Wind: A Low Cost Method for Wind Power Site Assessment (Flash Movie, 12.06MB)

P3: Design of Sustainable Water Supply and Distribution System for Pignon, Haiti (Flash Movie, 10.39MB)

P3: Sustainable Community Development – Water Slow-Sand Filtration (Flash Movie, 12.01MB)

P3: Keene Community Partnership for a Closed Loop Biodiesel System (Flash Movie, 11.96MB)

P3: Sustainable Water Supply for La Garrucha, Guatemala (Flash Movie, 11.33MB)

P3: Improving Public Awareness of Chemical Exposure Issues through a 3-D Online Environmental Education Game (Flash Movie, 12.02MB)

P3: The Man’s Jacket Design for Disassembly: an Implementation of C2CAD Framework (Flash Movie, 14.79MB)

P3: Sustainable Biofuels Systems for Undeveloped Regions (Flash Movie, 12.09MB)

P3: Green Engineering to Reduce the Use of Petroleum Energy Resources. Phase I. Use of Sustainable Sources of Feed Stocks for the Production of Biodiesel Fuel – An Undergraduate Educational Program (Flash Movie, 6.94MB)

P3: Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Solid Acid Catalyst for Improved Use of Waste Oil Feedstock for Biodiesel Production (Flash Movie, 6.93MB)

P3: Water Treatment and Education in Villahermosa, Mexico (Flash Movie, 12.47MB)

P3: The Development of an Indigenous Fluoride Filter (Flash Movie, 13.23MB)

P3: Solar Lighting for Remote Rural Communities (Flash Movie, 8.99MB)

P3: Sustainable Biological Phosphorous Removal: A New Theory to Meet Increasingly Stringent Effluent Discharge Requirements (Flash Movie, 13.76MB)

P3: Architecture as Pedagogy: Interdisciplinary Design and Creation of a Carbon Neutral Idaho Environmental Learning Center at the University of Idaho McCall Field Campus (Flash Movie, 12.61MB)

P3: Enhanced Nutrient Removal from On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems (Flash Movie, 9.66MB)

P3: Development and Evaluation of Three Simple, Low-Cost, Low-Tech Tests for Microbial Fecal Indicators in Drinking and Recreational Water (Flash Movie, 9.11MB)

P3: Nanostructured Material Design for Mercury, Arsenic, and Selenium Capture (Flash Movie, 7.78MB)

P3: Wind Power from Kites: Low-Cost, Sustainable Energy for Developing Nations (Flash Movie, 9.72MB)

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