Implementer Resources
Data Quality Tools
M&E Systems Strengthening Tool

M&E Systems Strengthening Tool

The M&E Systems Strengthening Tool was developed under the premise that it is important to understand the system through which data are generated, aggregated and reported in order to assess their quality. This tool includes three checklists that Programs or projects can use to:

  • Assess their M&E plans;
  • Take stock of the capabilities of Management Units to manage data related to the implementation of the Program/project(s); and
  • Assess the data-collection and reporting systems for each program area, including the ability to report valid, accurate and high quality data related to implementation.

The M&E Systems Strengthening Tool has been endorsed by the Emergency Plan, the Global Fund, UNAIDS, WHO, the World Bank, Health Metrics Network, and Roll Back Malaria, and is published by the MEASURE Evaluation Project. Its wide use will help focus stakeholder attention on actionable gaps in M&E systems that relate to data collection and indicator reporting - and will complement ongoing efforts to strengthen M&E more broadly.

--    Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Strengthening Tool
--    Checklist to Assess Program/Projects M&E Plan
--    Checklist to Assess Data Management Capacities of the Management Unit
--    Checklist to Assess Data Reporting Systems per Program Area

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