What can we help you find? *

  Learn more about DC, its history, and how to get around the city.   DC Guide
Learn more about DC, its history, and how to get around the city.
  Find business services, applications and resources.   Doing Business in DC
Find business services, applications, and resources.
  Discover things to see and do in our nation's capital.   Visiting DC
Discover things to see and do in our nation's capital.
  CapStat: Building A City That Works   CapStat
See how the CapStat program is improving District government.


More eServices

All eServices

DC government websites and featured organizations have much more to offer than just static information. Residents, visitors, and businesses can use DC.Gov's web services to perform tasks online that formerly required a visit or phone call to a local office. Databases and forms are also listed here.

Business License Information
Search the database to determine whether you need a Basic Business License and/or to obtain your specific forms and requirements
Cable TV Complaint Form
Submit your cable TV concerns online.
Campaign Contributions Search
Find campaign contributions by amount, contributor, date, location, or recipient.
Campaign Finance Forms
Download OCF forms.
Campaign Finances
Download and submit campaign finance disclosure forms.
Career Opportunities With DC.Gov
DCHR helps District agencies meet their staffing requirements to ensure the highest level of customer service to our residents. Find out how to get started.
Certificate of Title Duplicate
Download an application to receive a duplicate DMV Certificate of Title.
Check Tax Refund Status
Find out if your return has been received and whether it has been mailed.

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