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Officials blunt activism set off by China quake

“From the government's point of view, they're worried,” one activist says. Full story

More flee war-torn Pakistani valley

Army claims scores of killings.  Full story  |  Video

Taliban-style justice stirs growing anger
Sri Lanka official: 257 slain in assault
AFP - Getty Images
A father cries next to the recovered body of his son that is laid out with other bodies at the playground of a school at the earthquake-hit Hanwang Town
China's catastrophic quake

  Slideshow: View early images on 2008 disaster.

Meet the Press / Politics

Zardari: World must confront ‘cancerous’ Taliban

  Video: Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari discusses his nation's efforts to fight militants and bring stability to a region Obama calls "the most dangerous place in the world."

  Video: ‘Higher moral platform’ will win war
Barack Obama’s
comedic night out

  Biden, Cheney feel barbs of president. Story   Video: Obama pokes fun

Swine flu pinned on industrial farms
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