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US Climate Change Science Program

Last modified:
November 06, 2008

Asking the Stakeholders -
CCSP Listening Sessions


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CCSP is involved in an ongoing effort to engage stakeholders of climate and global change information in a two-way dialog, helping us to move the Program in societally-relevant directions and to tailor information specifically to serve stakeholder needs. We are asking for input from a wide variety of stakeholders, in part, via a series of Listening Sessions. These sessions are being held at several locations around the country and convened either as stand-alone meetings or in conjunction with a professional society conference or sector-related meeting. At these listening sessions, representatives from the Program provide a short overview of the current USGCRP/CCSP structure and activities and then open the floor to discussion and comments about Federal climate change research.

At each session, we also encourage participants to continue to provide comments and input beyond the listening session and on an ongoing basis. The CCSP Office will provide an analysis and synthesis report of each listening session including a summary of common themes. These are then posted to this site (see below). A calendar of upcoming meetings is also posted below and if you would like to attend an event, please e-mail the corresponding contact person listed for the session and available on the All Listening Sessions page.

In addition, if you would like to provide input via this web-site, we welcome your comments - particularly on the future direction of the Program and on the sort of climate information you need and/or currently use. Please send your comments to

Reports from Listening Sessions:

Reports from all Listening Sessions are available on our All Listening Sessions page

Calendar for Listening Sessions:

  • Past Listening Sessions
  • All Listening Sessions

    This Month: May 2009

    There are no listening sessions listed for this month

  • US Climate Change Science Program, Suite 250, 1717 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20006. Tel: +1 202 223 6262. Fax: +1 202 223 3065. Email: . Web: Webmaster:
    US Climate Change Science Program Home Page