Line --Start dates-- Table 2.3.5. Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product Years Quarters [Billions of dollars] 01 1929 19471 Personal consumption expenditures 02 1929 19471 Goods 03 1929 19471 Durable goods 04 1929 19471 Motor vehicles and parts 05 1929 19471 Furnishings and durable household equipment 06 1929 19471 Recreational goods and vehicles 07 1929 19471 Other durable goods 08 1929 19471 Nondurable goods 09 1929 19471 Food and beverages purchased for off-premises consumption 10 1929 19471 Clothing and footwear 11 1929 19471 Gasoline and other energy goods 12 1929 19471 Other nondurable goods 13 1929 19471 Services 14 1929 19591 Household consumption expenditures (for services) 15 1929 19591 Housing and utilities 16 1929 19591 Health care 17 1929 19591 Transportation services 18 1929 19591 Recreation services 19 1929 19591 Food services and accommodations 20 1929 19591 Financial services and insurance 21 1929 19591 Other services 22 1929 19591 Final consumption expenditures of nonprofit institutions serving households (NPISH)\1\ 23 1959 19591 Gross output of nonprofit institutions\2\ 24 1959 19591 Less: Receipts from sales of goods and services by nonprofit institutions\3\ Addenda: 25 1929 19591 Energy goods and services\4\ 26 1929 19591 Personal consumption expenditures excluding food and energy\5\ ---------- 1. Net expenses of NPISHs, defined as their gross operating expenses less primary sales to households. 2. Gross output is net of unrelated sales, secondary sales, and sales to business, government, and the rest of the world; excludes own-account investment (construction and software). 3. Excludes unrelated sales, secondary sales, and sales to business, government, and the rest of the world; includes membership dues and fees. 4. Consists of gasoline and other energy goods and of electricity and gas. 5. Food excludes purchased meals and beverages, which are classified in food services.