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U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General

OIG Organization

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The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) consists of an immediate office, which is comprised of the Inspector General, the Deputy Inspector General, and the Office of the General Counsel and five major components. Each of the Divisions is headed by an Assistant Inspector General. The five OIG components are:

    The Audit Division, which conducts, reports on and tracks the resolution of financial and performance audits of organizations, programs and functions within the Department. Financial audits examine financial statements and financially related activities. Performance audits review economy, efficiency and programmatic issues. The Audit Division also monitors expenditures made under DOJ contracts, grants and other agreements.

    The Investigations Division, which investigates alleged violations of fraud, abuse and integrity laws that govern DOJ employees, operations, grantees and contractors. Investigations Division Special Agents develop cases for criminal prosecution and civil or administrative action.

    The Evaluation and Inspections Division, which provides the Inspector General with an alternative mechanism to traditional audit and investigative disciplines to assess Department of Justice (Department) programs and activities. Much of the work results in recommendations to decisionmakers to streamline operations, reduce unnecessary regulations, improve customer service, and minimize inefficient and ineffective procedures. In addition to assessing Department programs, the Division conducts special reviews requested by the Inspector General or senior Department management that arise suddenly and need immediate attention.

    The Oversight and Review Division (O&R), which investigates sensitive allegations involving Department employees, often at the request of the Attorney General, senior Department managers, or Congress. O&R also conducts systemic reviews of Department programs.

    The Management and Planning Division, which provides the Inspector General with advice on administrative and fiscal policy and assist OIG components by providing services in the areas of planning, budget, finance, quality assurance, personnel, training, procurement, automated data processing, computer network communications and general support.