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Fiscal Year 2010

This page points to items of interest concerning the Department of the Interior's budget. You may track the progress of this budget request through the Congressional appropriations process from this page.


President's 2010 Budget Blueprint
On February 26, 2009, the President released his 2010 Budget Blueprint, which provides the framework for the President's 2010 budget. Below is a link to the President's 2010 Budget Blueprint. Additional information will follow.
Entire President's Blueprint (140 pages, 1.8 MB)
Department of the Interior Blueprint Section (4 pages, 96 KB)

2010 Congressional Budget Resolution
Summary: The House and Senate Budget Committees have passed budget resolutions for Fiscal Year 2010. Floor action on both measures is expected the week of March 30. A summary of the two proposals is provided for your information.

The Department of the Interior "Budget in Brief" highlights and describes details of the fiscal year 2010 request.
Note: This document is presented as several separate PDF-formatted files. To view these files requires that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader® loaded on your computer. For a printed copy of the "Highlights" contact Margaret Kuyumjian in the Department's Office of Budget.

Testimony from 2010 Budget Hearings

Budget Justifications

Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies


Budget Resolution:
Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill:

Congressional Action:

Executive Action:

Bill Summary and Status

The Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill

Congressional Action:

Executive Action:

Bill Summary and Status

Summary Information

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