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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Mikel Herrington
Deputy Director
AmeriCorps State Programs


Additional Formula MSYs


Dear Service Colleagues:

This is to remind you that State Commissions need to send a written request to your Corporation Program Officer requesting additional MSYs to your formula allocation by July 14, 2006.  These MSYs are without additional funding attached.

To help us gauge the availability of additional MSYs, please also email your Program Officer by July 14, 2006 with the number of MSYs you will NOT be requesting as part of your ’06 formula allocation.  

Please copy your Grants Officer on your communication regarding these MSYs.

Many of you participated on the conference call with David Eisner yesterday on the topic of "Utilization of Corporation Funding."  The call was taped, and you may call the following number to hear it in its entirety if you were not able to participate: Instant replay -- END DATE: JUL-17-06 10:59 PM (Central Time) PHONE #:  TFREE:888-568-0920.   David mentioned the potential availability of additional formula funding for those states that will have requested their full allocation by August 1, 2006.  We will issue additional guidance related to this potential funding very shortly. 

Below is  guidance from the January 27 memo from Elizabeth Seale and Peg Rosenberry on how to request more MSYs to your formula allocation for which you do not need additional funding.


If you want to request additional MSYs beyond your formula-funded allocation, you may do so.  The following policies will apply to the requests we receive. 

  • The MSYs requested are available for one time only.  We may not be able to provide additional MSYs next year.  Therefore, we caution you in requesting additional MSYs to take into consideration the long-term sustainability of the service provided by the members.
  • No funds will be attached to the additional MSYs the Corporation awards. 
  • Prior to requesting MSYs, State Commissions must consider the recruitment and retention levels of MSY recipients; CNCS will not award additional MSYs if there was a problem in recruiting and retaining members.  By requesting additional MSYs, a State Commission is certifying that your programs are recruiting and retaining members at a level of 85% or more
  • Since the request will change the MSY allotments for the recipients, the Office of Grants Management will need to issue a grant award amendment reflecting the higher MSY levels and slots.

Process for requesting MSYs:

  • State Commissions need to send a written request to your Corporation Program Officer requesting the additional MSYs by July 14, 2006.
  • Your request must include the specific program(s) that will receive the additional MSYs.
  • Your request must also include the specific MSYs, total number of slots and the type of slots being requested.
    Corporation staff will review your requests, and we will begin notification in writing of our decisions on Monday August 7, 2006.  If you have any questions please contact your Program Officer.

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