Line Start Table 2.5.3 Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Function, Quantity Indexes date [Index numbers, 2005=100] 01 1929 Personal consumption expenditures 02 1929 Household consumption expenditures\1\ 03 1929 Food and beverages purchased for off-premises consumption 04 1929 Food and nonalcoholic beverages purchased for off-premises consumption 05 1933 Alcoholic beverages purchased for off-premises consumption 06 1929 Food produced and consumed on farms 07 1929 Clothing, footwear, and related services 08 1929 Clothing 09 1929 Garments 10 1959 Women's and girls' clothing 11 1959 Men's and boys' clothing 12 1959 Children's and infants' clothing 13 1929 Other clothing materials 14 1929 Cleaning, repair, and rental of clothing 15 1959 Laundry and dry cleaning services 16 1959 Clothing repair, rental, and alterations 17 1929 Footwear\2\ 18 1929 Housing, utilities, and fuels 19 1929 Housing 20 1929 Rental of tenant-occupied nonfarm housing\3\ 21 1929 Imputed rental of owner-occupied nonfarm housing\4\ 22 1929 Rental value of farm dwellings 23 1929 Group housing 24 1929 Household utilities and fuels 25 1929 Water supply and sanitation 26 1929 Electricity, gas, and other fuels 27 1929 Electricity 28 1929 Natural gas 29 1929 Fuel oil and other fuels 30 1929 Furnishings, household equipment, and routine household maintenance 31 1929 Furniture, furnishings, and floor coverings\5\ 32 1929 Household textiles 33 1929 Household appliances\6\ 34 1929 Glassware, tableware, and household utensils\7\ 35 1929 Tools and equipment for house and garden 36 1929 Other household goods and services\8\ 37 1929 Health 38 1929 Medical products, appliances, and equipment 39 1929 Pharmaceutical and other medical products\9\ 40 1959 Pharmaceutical products 41 1959 Other medical products 42 1929 Therapeutic appliances and equipment 43 1929 Outpatient services 44 1929 Physician services\10\ 45 1929 Dental services 46 1929 Paramedical services 47 1987 Home health care 48 1987 Medical laboratories 49 1987 Other professional medical services\11\ 50 1929 Hospital and nursing home services 51 1929 Hospitals\12\ 52 1929 Nursing homes 53 1929 Transportation 54 1929 Motor vehicles 55 1929 New motor vehicles 56 1929 Net purchases of used motor vehicles 57 1929 Motor vehicle operation 58 1929 Motor vehicle parts and accessories 59 1929 Motor vehicle fuels, lubricants, and fluids 60 1929 Motor vehicle maintenance and repair 61 1929 Other motor vehicle services 62 1929 Public transportation 63 1929 Ground transportation\13\ 64 1929 Air transportation 65 1929 Water transportation 66 1929 Communication 67 1929 Telephone and facsimile equipment 68 1929 Postal and delivery services 69 1959 First-class postal service by U.S. Postal Service (USPS) 70 1959 Other delivery services (by non-USPS facilities) 71 1929 Telecommunication services 72 1987 Internet access 73 1929 Recreation 74 1929 Video and audio equipment, computers, and related services 75 1959 Video and audio equipment 76 1959 Information processing equipment 77 1959 Services related to video and audio goods and computers 78 1929 Sports and recreational goods and related services 79 1959 Sports and recreational vehicles 80 1959 Other sporting and recreational goods 81 1959 Maintenance and repair of recreational vehicles and sports equipment 82 1929 Membership clubs, sports centers, parks, theaters, and museums 83 1959 Membership clubs and participant sports centers 84 1959 Amusements parks, campgrounds, and related recreational services 85 1959 Admissions to specified spectator amusements 86 1959 Motion picture theaters 87 1959 Live entertainment, excluding sports 88 1959 Spectator sports 89 1959 Museums and libraries 90 1929 Magazines, newspapers, books, and stationery 91 1929 Gambling 92 1929 Pets, pet products, and related services 93 1929 Photographic goods and services 94 1929 Package tours\14\ 95 1929 Education 96 1929 Educational books 97 1929 Higher education 98 1929 Nursery, elementary, and secondary schools 99 1929 Commercial and vocational schools\15\ 100 1929 Food services and accommodations 101 1929 Food services 102 1929 Purchased meals and beverages\16\ 103 1929 Food furnished to employees (including military) 104 1929 Accommodations\17\ 105 1929 Financial services and insurance 106 1929 Financial services 107 1929 Financial services furnished without payment 108 1929 Financial service charges, fees, and commissions 109 1929 Insurance 110 1929 Life insurance\18\ 111 1929 Net household insurance\19\ 112 1929 Net health insurance 113 1959 Medical care and hospitalization\20\ 114 1959 Income loss\21\ 115 1959 Workers' compensation\22\ 116 1929 Net motor vehicle and other transportation insurance\23\ 117 1929 Other goods and services 118 1929 Personal care\24\ 119 1929 Personal items\25\ 120 1929 Social services and religious activities\26\ 121 1929 Professional and other services 122 1959 Legal services 123 1959 Accounting and other business services\27\ 124 1959 Labor organization dues 125 1959 Professional association dues 126 1959 Funeral and burial services 127 1929 Tobacco 128 1929 Net foreign travel and expenditures abroad by U.S. residents 129 1929 Foreign travel by U.S. residents 130 1929 Less: Expenditures in the United States by nonresidents 131 1929 Net expenditures abroad by U.S. residents 132 1929 Final consumption expenditures of nonprofit institutions serving households (NPISH)\28\ 133 1959 Gross output of nonprofit institutions\29\ 134 1959 Less: Receipts from sales of goods and services by nonprofit institutions\30\ ---------- 1. Consists of household purchases of goods and services from business, government, nonprofit institutions, and the rest of the world. 2. Consists of shoes and other footwear, and of repair and hire of footwear. 3. Consists of space rent (see footnote 4) and rent for appliances, furnishings, and furniture. 4. Consists of rent for space and for heating and plumbing facilities, water heaters, lighting fixtures, kitchen cabinets, linoleum, storm windows and doors, window screens, and screen doors, but excludes rent for appliances and furniture and purchases of fuel and electricity. 5. Includes clocks, lamps, lighting fixtures, and other household decorative items; also includes repair of furniture, furnishings, and floor coverings. 6. Consists of major household appliances, small electric household appliances, and repair of household appliances. 7. Consists of dishes, flatware, and non-electric cookware and tableware. 8. Consists of household supplies; domestic services; moving, storage and freight service; and other household service. 9. Excludes drug preparations and related products dispensed by physicians, hospitals, and other medical services. 10. Consists of offices of physicians, health maintenance organization medical centers, and freestanding ambulatory surgical and emergency centers. 11. Includes podiatrists, chiropractors, mental health practitioners (except physicians), physical, occupational and speech therapists, audiologists, all other health practitioners, ambulance services, kidney dialysis centers, and blood and organ bank services. 12. Consists of nonprofit hospitals, proprietary hospitals, and government hospitals. Consists of primary sales of these hospitals for personal consumption. Expenses of nonprofit hospitals are included in the expenditures of nonprofit institutions serving households (NPISHs). 13. Includes railway transportation, taxicab services, school and employee services, limousine services, and airport bus fares. 14. Consists of tour operators' and travel agents' margins. Purchases of travel and accommodations included in tours are accounted for separately in other personal consumption expenditures categories. 15. Consists of fees paid to business schools and computer and management training, technical and trade schools, other schools and instruction, and educational support services. 16. Consists of purchases (including tips) of meals and beverages from retail, service, and amusement establishments, hotels, dining and buffet cars, schools, school fraternities, institutions, clubs, and industrial lunchrooms. Includes meals and beverages consumed both on- and off-premises. 17. Consists of transient hotels, motels, other traveler accommodations, clubs, and housing at schools. 18. Consists of operating expenses of commercial life insurance carriers and fraternal benefit life insurance. For commercial life insurance carriers, excludes expenses for accident and health insurance and includes profits of stock companies and services furnished without payment by banks, credit agencies, and investment companies. 19. Consists of premiums plus premium supplements less normal losses and dividends paid to policyholders for insurance on personal property (except motor vehicles). 20. Consists of premiums less benefits for health, hospitalization, and accidental death and dismemberment insurance. 21. Consists of premiums less benefits for income loss insurance. 22. Consists of premiums plus premium supplements less normal losses and dividends paid to policyholders for privately administered workers' compensation. 23. Consists of premiums plus premium supplements less normal losses and dividends paid to policyholders for motor vehicle and other transportation insurance. 24. Consists of cosmetics and toiletries, electric appliances for personal care, hairdressing salons, and miscellaneous personal care services. 25. Consists of jewelry, watches, luggage, and similar personal items. 26. Consists of household purchases of goods and services from business, government, and nonprofit institutions providing social services and religious activities. Purchases from nonprofit establishments exclude unrelated sales, secondary sales, and sales to businesses, government, and the rest of the world, but include membership dues and fees. 27. Consists of tax preparation and other related services, employment agency services, and other personal business services. 28. Net expenses of NPISHs, defined as their gross operating expenses less primary sales to households. 29. Gross output is net of unrelated sales, secondary sales, and sales to business, government, and the rest of the world; excludes own-account investment (construction and software). 30. Excludes unrelated sales, secondary sales, and sales to business, government, and the rest of the world; includes membership dues and fees.