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Small Agencies
  Departments Printer Friendly
 Department of Agriculture
 Mr. Jon Holladay
 Acting Chief Financial Officer & Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Whitten Building, Room 143W
 Washington, DC 20250
 Office Phone: 202-720-0727
 Fax: 202-720-9997
 Department of Commerce
  Position Vacant
 Chief Financial Officer
 14th & Constitution Avenue, NW
Room 5830
 Washington, DC 20230
 Office Phone: 202-482-4951
 Fax: 202-482-3592
 Ms. Lisa Casias
 Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Room 6827
 Washington, DC 20330
 Office Phone: 202-482-1207
 Fax: 202-482-5070
 Department of Defense
 Mr. Dave Smith
 Acting Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 1100 Defense Pentagon
Room 3C653A
 Washington, DC 20301
 Office Phone: 703-695-7000
 Fax: 703-695-4283
 Department of Education
 Mr. Thomas Skelly
 Acting Chief Financial Officer
 400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Room 5W313
 Washington, DC 20202
 Office Phone: 202-401-1700
 Fax: 202-401-6139
 Mr. Danny Harris
 Acting Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 550 12th Street, SW
Room 9112
 Washington, DC 20202
 Office Phone: 202-245-6252
 Fax: 202-245-6621
 Department of Energy
 Mr. Steve Isakowitz
 Chief Financial Officer
 1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 253
 Washington, DC 20585
 Office Phone: 202-586-4171
 Fax: 202-586-7366
 Mr. Owen F. Barwell
 Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 4A-253
 Washington, DC 20585
 Office Phone: 202-586-4171
 Fax: 202-586-7366
 Department of Health & Human Services
 Mr. Charles Johnson
 Chief Financial Officer
 200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 514-G
 Washington, DC 20201
 Office Phone: 202-690-6396
 Fax: 202-690-5405
 Ms. Sheila O. Conley
 Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 200 Independence Avenue, SW
Hubert H. Humphrey Bldg, Room 555D
 Washington, DC 20201
 Office Phone: 202-690-7084
 Fax: 202-690-6339
 Department of Homeland Security
 Ms. Peggy Sherry
 Acting Chief Financial Officer
 7th & D Streets, SW
GSA Building, Room 4905
 Washington, DC 20528
 Office Phone: 202-447-5751
 Fax: 202-447-5172
  Position Vacant
 Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 7th & D Streets, SW
GSA Building, Room 4905
 Washington, DC 20528
 Office Phone: 202-447-5751
 Fax: 202-447-3353
 Department of Housing & Urban Development
  Vacant Position
 Chief Financial Officer
 451 7th street, SW
Room 10234
 Washington, DC 20410
 Office Phone: 202-708-1946
 Fax: 202-619-8025
 Mr. James M. Martin
 Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 451 7th Street, SW
Room 10234
 Washington, DC 20410
 Office Phone: 202-708-1946
 Fax: 202-619-8025
 Department of the Interior
  Vacant Position
 Chief Financial Officer
 1849 C Street, NW
MS 7229
 Washington, DC 20240
 Office Phone: 202-208-6291
 Fax: 202-208-1873
 Mr. Daniel L. Fletcher
 Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 1849 C Street, NW
MS 5412
 Washington, DC 20240
 Office Phone: 202-208-4701
 Fax: 202-208-6940
 Department of Justice
 Mr. Lee Lofthus
 Chief Financial Officer
 950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Room 1111
 Washington, DC 20530
 Office Phone: 202-514-3101
 Fax: 202-616-6695
 Ms. Jolene Lauria-Sullens
 Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Room 1117
 Washington, DC 20530
 Office Phone: 202-514-1843
 Fax: 202-616-6695
 Department of Labor
 Ms. Lisa Fiely
 Acting Chief Financial Officer & Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Room S4030
 Washington, DC 20210
 Office Phone: 202-693-6800
 Fax: 202-693-6963
 Department of Transportation
  Position Vacant
 Chief Financial Officer
 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Room W95-315
 Washington, DC 20590
 Office Phone: 202-366-9191
 Fax: 202-366-6031
 Ms. Lana Hurdle
 Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Room W95-315
 Washington, DC 20590
 Office Phone: 202-366-9192
 Fax: 202-366-7174
 Department of the Treasury
 Mr. Al Runnels
 Acting Assistant Secretary for Management & Chief Financial Officer &
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Met Square Room 6253
 Washington, DC 20220
 Office Phone: 202-622-0750
 Fax: 202-622-0595
 Ms. Nancy Fleetwood
 Deputy Assistant Secretary Accounting Policy
 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Office #2064
 Washington, DC 20220
 Office Phone: 202-622-0550
 Ms. Judith R. Tillman
 FMS Commissioner
 Financial Management Service
401 14th Street, SW, Room 548
 Washington, DC 20227
 Office Phone: 202-874-7000
 Fax: 202-874-6743
 Mr. Kenneth Carfine
 Fiscal Assistant Secretary
 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Room 2112
 Washington, DC 20220
 Office Phone: 202-622-0560
 Fax: 202-622-0962
 Department of State
  Position Vacant
 Chief Financial Officer
 2201 C Street, NW
Room 7427
 Washington, DC 20520
 Office Phone: 202-647-7490
 Fax: 202-647-8194
 Mr. Christopher H. Flaggs
 Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 2401 E Street, NW
Room H-1500
 Washington, DC 20037
 Office Phone: 202-261-8620
 Fax: 202-261-8622
 Department of Veterans Affairs
  Position Vacant
 Chief Financial Officer
 810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Suite 600
 Washington, DC 20420
 Office Phone: 202-273-5583
 Fax: 202-273-6892
 Mr. Edward Murray
 Deputy Chief Financial Officer
 810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Suite 440
 Washington, DC 20420
 Office Phone: 202-273-5504
 Fax: 202-273-6794
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