• Karzai, Obama, Zardari at table (AP Images)

    Obama: Three Nations Joined by Common Goal

    At a White House meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai (left) and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari (right), President Obama says, “Our strategy reflects a fundamental truth: The security of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the United States are linked.”

  • Large sign advertising money services (AP Images)

    Migrants Fight Poverty by Sending Money to Homeland

    Money sent by migrant workers to their homelands amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars every year. Known as remittances and usually traveling in small amounts, this money contributes hugely to poverty reduction in the developing countries all over the world.

  • Masked scientist holding up vial (AP Images)

    Scientists Worldwide Confer on H1N1 Outbreak

    Scientists from around the world met in a virtual conference May 5 to share information about the H1N1 virus outbreak. The call is the second such international exchange of information held since the influenza-like illness was detected in Mexico March 18.

In the Headlines

  • Biden: Steps for Mideast Peace

    Vice President Biden says Israel must show its commitment to peace by working toward a two-state solution with the Palestinians and ending its building of settlements.

  • North Korea Talks Should Resume

    A U.S. delegation is traveling to Northeast Asia and Moscow to determine if North Korea can be convinced to resume Six-Party Talks, says a State Department spokesman.

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  • Which president’s “first 100 days” set a benchmark for achievement?
    • A. John F. Kennedy
    • B. Ronald Reagan
    • C. Franklin Roosevelt

    Learn more: A Checklist for New Presidents