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Economic Accounts

National Accounts

BEA's national economic program provides a quantitative view of US domestic production, consumption, and investment, of exports and imports, and of national and domestic income and saving. It features the estimates of GDP, which is one of the most closely watched of all economic statistics. Each month, BEA releases updated estimates of GDP for the previous quarter and new estimates of personal income and outlays for the previous month. Estimates of the Nation's stock of fixed assets and consumer durable goods are prepared and published annually. Learn more about National Accounts...

Regional Accounts

BEA’s Regional Economic Accounts program produces detailed data on economic activity by region, state, metropolitan area, BEA economic area, and county. Estimates of GDP by state—the most comprehensive and BEA’s preferred measure of economic activity—are released six months after the reference year. Estimates of personal income by state are released each quarter, as well as annually. Estimates of personal income by county and metropolitan area are prepared annually. BEA also prepares estimates of regional economic multipliers for any grouping of counties for a fee. Learn more about Regional Accounts...

Industry Accounts

BEA's Industry Economic Program produces the input-output tables, which show how industries interact to provide input to, and take output from, each other. Comprehensive, benchmark input-output tables are prepared every 5 years, and they are updated in less detail by annual input-output tables. The industry program also produces the annual gross product by industry data, which measure the contribution of each private industry and government to the GDP. Learn more about Industry Accounts...

International Accounts

This BEA program produces the quarterly balance of payments accounts and the monthly services estimates, which provide a detailed view of economic transactions between the United States and other countries. In addition, BEA produces the direct investment estimates, which are based on annual and quarterly BEA surveys of US direct investment abroad, foreign direct investment in the United States, income flows associated with those investments, and other economic activities of multinational enterprises. This program also produces the international investment position estimates. Learn more about International Accounts...

Last updated: Friday, August 08, 2008