Department of Justice Seal Department of Justice
(202) 616-2777
TDD (202) 514-1888


WASHINGTON, D.C.– The Attorney General today announced the designation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for nationals of Liberia. The designation of TPS is effective from October 1, 2002 to October 1, 2003.

Liberians who have resided in the United States since September 29, 2001, have remained here under a presidential directive authorizing Deferred Enforced Departure (DED), a temporary measure similar to TPS. Under this new TPS designation, eligible nationals of Liberia (or aliens having no nationality who last habitually resided in Liberia) may remain and work in the United States for an additional year. There are approximately 15,000 to 20,000 nationals of Liberia who are eligible for registration.

Section 244 of the Immigration and Nationality Act authorizes the Attorney General to grant TPS to aliens in the United States who are nationals of countries that are subject to ongoing armed conflict, environmental disaster, or extraordinary and temporary conditions.

Based on a thorough review by the Department of State and Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), the Attorney General has determined that there is an ongoing armed conflict in Liberia. This conflict might seriously threaten the personal safety of nationals returning to the country.

To be eligible for TPS under this designation, an alien:

·Must be a national of Liberia (or an alien having no nationality who last habitually resided in Liberia);

·Will have been physically present and residing in the United States since October 1, 2002;

·Be admissible as an immigrant except as provided under section 244(c)(2)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act

(the Act), and not be ineligible for TPS under section 244(c)(2)(B) of the Act; and,

·Apply for TPS within the registration period, which begins on October 1, 2002 and ends on March 31, 2003.

Because DED expires on September 29, 2002, Liberians who have no other lawful status and who wish to live and work in the United States must apply for TPS. During the registration period, applicants for TPS must submit the following package to the INS District Office that has jurisdiction over place of residence:

§Form I-821, Application for Temporary Protected Status;

§Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization;

§Two identification photographs (1 ½ inches x 1 ½ inches);

§Supporting evidence of identity, nationality, and proof of residence, as provided in the regulations at 8 CFR 244.9; and,

§All applicable fees.

A $50 fee must accompany each Form I-821. Each applicant who is 14 years of age or older must also submit a $50 fingerprint fee. An applicant who seeks employment authorization documentation must submit Form I-765 with the $120 fee. An applicant who does not seek employment authorization documentation does not need to submit the $120 fee, but must still complete and submit Form I-765 for data gathering purposes. Applicants may request that certain fees be waived, in accordance with the regulations at 8 CFR 244.20.

While a complete TPS application package must include the $50 fingerprint fee for every applicant who is 14 years of age or older, applicants should NOT submit a completed fingerprint card (FD-258, Application Card) with the TPS application package.

Upon receipt of the TPS application package, the INS will mail the applicant an appointment letter with instructions to appear for fingerprinting at an INS-authorized Application Support Center (ASC).

On September 29, 2002, the Liberian DED directive expires, as do all employment authorization documents (EADs) issued to Liberians pursuant to that directive. Liberians who have no other lawful immigration status, but who wish to remain and work in the United States after September 29, 2002, should apply for TPS benefits in the manner described below.

Certain Liberian nationals may be eligible to apply for TPS subsequent to the initial registration period if, at the time of the initial registration period, they:

·Are non-immigrants;

·Have been granted voluntary departure status or any relief

from removal;

·Have an application for change of status, adjustment of

status, asylum, voluntary departure, or any relief from

removal that is pending or subject to further review or


·Are parolees or have a pending request for parole; or,

·Are the spouse or child of an alien currently eligible to be a

TPS registrant.

An applicant for late initial registration must register

within a 60-day period immediately following the expiration or termination of one of the conditions described above.

Any national of Liberia who has applied for, or plans to apply for, any other immigration benefit or protection, may also apply for TPS. An application for TPS does not preclude or adversely affect an application for any other immigration benefit. Similarly, denial of an application for asylum or any other immigration benefit does not affect an alien's ability to register for TPS, although the grounds of denial of that application may also lead to denial of TPS.

