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Mesa Autumn Wild Horses Oil Rig Boaters Photograph of Ruin
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Colorado and Eastern States Programs

Colorado and Eastern States Programs

Photo of Law Enforcement Badge

The Bureau of Land Management is responsible for managing 258 million acres of the Nation's lands, mostly located in the western United States, including Alaska. These lands contain diverse natural and cultural resources and include timber, energy and minerals, watershed, fish and wildlife, wild horse and burro populations, wilderness areas, archaeological, paleontological, historical sites, and other scenic, heritage, and cultural values.

The Bureau of Land Management currently employs 276 law enforcement agents and rangers to provide law enforcement coverage for more than 258 million surface acres and 700 million acres of subsurface federal minerals nationwide. They enforce Federal laws and regulations governing the public lands and resources by conducting high-priority investigations and enforcement actions that focus on resource protection and public health and safety, ensuring compliance with both Federal laws and land use regulations on public lands under BLM's management jurisdiction.


Colorado is charged with the surface management of approximately 8.3 million acres of public land, along with 27 million acres of subsurface mineral estate. These lands are concentrated primarily in the western portion of the State. The surface lands range from alpine tundra, colorful canyon lands and mesas, to rolling sage covered hills. The public lands and resources are managed to protect the environment and provide a diverse array of products and outdoor experiences. Colorado provides eleven Field Office locations to serve the user public.

Eastern States

Eastern States has exclusive surface management jurisdiction on approximately 30,000 acres of land plus another 39 million acres of subsurface reserved minerals estate. These public land resources are managed to protect the environment and provide a diverse array of products and outdoor experiences. Eastern States is also responsible for the maintenance and protection of the official Land Records and Cadastral Surveys for the Department of the Interior. Eastern States is divided into two administrative districts, located in Jackson, Mississippi and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

Visit the Eastern States Office Homepage

Mission Statement for Colorado/Eastern States

The mission of the Colorado BLM Law Enforcement program can be summarized as:

  • Enforcing federal laws and regulations related to the use, management, and development of the public lands and their resources, including activities related to the administration of the public lands.
  • Protecting critical resources from being removed, damaged, or destroyed.
  • Providing a public service on public lands in a manner that is complementary to the proprietary jurisdictional nature of such lands.

Implementation of the law enforcement program will ensure that:

  • Critical resources are protected from being removed, damaged, or destroyed  without authorization or in violation of environmental requirements or restrictions.
  • The lands and waters are free from illegal dumping or pollution.
  • The users of the public lands will have a safe and enjoyable experience that is not impacted by the illegal acts or inappropriate conduct of others.
  • The revenues owed to the government for authorized or unauthorized uses are paid and collected.
  • Unauthorized use is prevented and discouraged through termination, investigation, and appropriate resolution.
  • Authorized or unauthorized users of the public lands or their resources are held accountable for any required repairs or reclamation.
  • Criminal activities are reported, investigated, or referred to appropriate agencies.  

The mission of the Eastern States BLM Law Enforcement program can be summarized as:

Guardians of the Past, and Stewards for the Future, Eastern States is committed to sustaining the health, diversity, and productivity of the public lands spanning the 31 states east of and bordering the Mississippi River for present and future generations.

Program Description

Law Enforcement Rangers for Colorado

Photograph of BLM Officers during firearms training, Montrose, Colorado

Photograph of Drug over flights, Mesa County, Colorado

BLM Officers during firearms training, Montrose, ColoradoDrug over flights, Mesa County, Colorado

Special Agents for Colorado and Eastern States

Student Career Experience Program (SCEP)