This page provides preliminary versions of new and redesigned tables for the 2003 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts. Additional tables will be posted here as they become available. The tables posted here are subject to change pending the completion of the Comprehensive Revision.

2003 Comprehensive Revision NIPA Tables

All NIPA Tables

1 - Domestic Product and Income 5 - Saving and Investment
2 - Personal Income and Outlays 6 - Income and Employment by Industry
3 - Government Current Receipts and Expenditures 7 - Supplemental Tables
4 - Foreign Transactions 8 - Seasonally Unadjusted Estimates

     Data Availability Legend: (A) Annually    (Q) Quarterly    (M) Monthly    

Section 1 - Domestic Product and Income    Top

Section 2 - Personal Income and Outlays    Top

Section 3 - Government Current Receipts and Expenditures    Top

Section 4 - Foreign Transactions    Top

Section 5 - Saving and Investment    Top

Section 6 - Income and Employment by Industry    Top

Section 7 - Supplemental Tables    Top

Section 8 - Seasonally Unadjusted Estimates    Top

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