BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Algeria Local time: 07:17 PM

Algeria Government Priorities

There are growing calls from the Algerian government for more U.S. company involvement in Algeria's ambitious infrastructure plans. Below are examples of specific needs.  

Energy & Mines
Electric power generation projects, renewable energy projects including wind and solar, and modernizing/expansion of mining operations in Algeria.


Slaughterhouses, irrigation projects and "cold chain technology" used in Morocco to keep dates freshness and color.


Water Resources
Water treatment and reclamation, remote sensing and safety systems for Algerian dams, and hydroelectric projects.


Public Works
Development of asphalt bitumen given the GOA's concern about dwindling bitumen in country, and civil engineering techniques & technology to realize Algeria's road construction in arid and desert climates. The latter is particularly sought after for the upcoming high plateau East-West Highway project which includes 23 connector roads running between the coastal East-West Highway.


Civil aviation air traffic management and training, a vessel transportation management system (VTMS) for the merchant marine, and a new container terminal for Djendjen. The Ministry says it has a $66 billion budget for '05 - '13.


For more information about these projects, please contact Senior Commercial Officer Douglas Wallace at ; tel: +213-770-08-2035