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Historical Revisions Menu Current : 2008-11-17 to 2009-05-07

Format 7
Listing of Format 7
Type trait appraisal scores

22 = Field added or changed since prior revision of this format
22 = Reference note added or changed since prior revision of this format


Field Description 2
1 1 X CH 13 Species code of the animal
Animal Identification Information
2-3 2 AA CH 4 Breed code of animal (alpha code only, no zeros)
4-6 3 AAA CH 119 Country code of ID origin
7-18 12 AA...AA CH Identification number of animal (registration or eartag)
19-26 8 XX...XX CH Date of appraisal (YYYYMMDD)
27-34 8 XX...XX CH Birth date of animal (YYYYMMDD)
Appraisal Herd Code Information
35-36 2 XX CH 5 State code
37-38 2 XX CH County code
39-42 4 XXXX CH Herd number
43-45 3 XXX CH Appraiser code
46-53 8 XX...XX CH Date of last calving (YYYYMMDD)
54-55 2 XX CH Lactation number
56* 1 X CH 132 Stage of lactation
57-58 2 XX CH Stature score
59-60 2 XX CH Strength score
61-62 2 XX CH Dairy form score
63-64 2 XX CH Foot angle score
65-66 2 XX CH Rear legs (side view) score
67-68 2 XX CH Body depth score
69-70 2 XX CH Rump angle score
71-72 2 XX CH Thurl width score
73-74 2 XX CH Fore udder attachment score
75-76 2 XX CH Rear udder height score
77-78 2 XX CH Rear udder width score
79-80 2 XX CH Udder depth score
81-82 2 XX CH Suspensory ligament score
83-84 2 XX CH Front teat placement score
85-86 2 XX CH Teat length score
87-88 2 XX CH Final score (used for PTA)
89-90 2 XX CH Alternative final score
91-92 2 AA CH Miscellaneous code 1 or code "XT" indicating 2 additional traits may follow (00 indicates not reported)
93-94 2 AA CH Rear legs (rear view) or Miscellaneous code 2
95-96 2 AA CH Milking speed or Miscellaneous code 3
97-102 6 AA..AA CH Miscellaneous codes 4-6
103* 1 X CH 133 Action code