Home > International Economic Accounts > U.S. International Services: Cross-Border Trade 1986-2007, and Services Supplied Through Affiliates, 1986-2006

U.S. International Services: Cross-Border Trade 1986-2007, and Services Supplied Through Affiliates, 1986-2006

These files contain historical data for U.S. international services, which are published annually in the October Survey of Current Business, the monthly publication of the Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Balance of Payments Division.

DESCRIPTION OF DATA : U.S. international services cover cross-border (balance of payments) trade and services supplied through majority-owned affiliates.

FOOTNOTES: Included on each table, as needed.

RELEASE DATE: Coincides with the publication of the October 2008 SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS .

PERIODS COVERED: For cross-border trade, 1986-2007; for services supplied through majority-owned affiliates, 1989-2006. (Global totals, without country or industry disaggregation, are available for 1986-88, for sales through foreign affiliates, and 1987-88, for sales through U.S. affiliates.)

PERIODS REVISED: For cross-border transactions, 1997-2006; for sales by majority-owned affiliates, 2004-2005.

PERIODICITY: Estimates are for annual time periods.

UNIT OF MEASURE: Millions of U.S. dollars, except for the data in tables A, B, and G, which are in billions of U.S. dollars.

PRELIMINARY AND REVISED ESTIMATES: For cross-border trade, preliminary estimates are released in the year following the period covered. The data are typically revised one year later and two years later, and may be revised again in subsequent years. For sales through affiliates, preliminary estimates are released in the second year following the period covered. The data are revised one year later, and are generally not revised again. For more information on revisions, see this year's article.

MAJOR CHANGES: Coverage, definition, or methodology since the preceding release: See Christopher L. Bach, Annual Revision of the U.S. International Accounts, 1974-2007, SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 88, July 2008: Pages 36-52. (PDF - KB)

New table layouts are used in this year’s presentation of the detailed statistics on cross-border trade in services (tables 1-7) to reflect a shift in focus from trade by affiliation to trade by type of service. Table 1, which shows global cross-border trade totals over several years, is restructured to show total trade (affiliated and unaffiliated transactions combined) for several types of services for which only unaffiliated trade had been available. Total trade for these types of services is available beginning with 2006.

The layout of tables 4, 5 and 7 is also restructured beginning with the tables for 2006. In table 4, which shows country detail for royalties and license fees, the detail by type of intangible asset covers total transactions, not just unaffiliated transactions. Table 5, which shows “other” private services, is expanded to include country-level estimates by affiliation and by type of service; previously the country-level estimates in this table covered only unaffiliated transactions. Table 7, which shows country-level estimates of various types of business, professional, and technical services is reformulated to include detail by type of service for total trade instead of just unaffiliated trade and is expanded to disaggregate affiliated transactions according to the underlying direct investment relationship (outward vs. inward). The country stub in all tables is expanded to include Ireland.

The table “Other Private Services by Affiliation of Transactors” (formerly Table 8) has been dropped from the article. For 2006 forward, the data that had been published in Table 8 are included in Table 5. For years prior to 2006, data are available in the table “Other Private Services by Affiliation of Transactors, 1992-2005” in the Table 5 section of this Web page.

Also beginning this year, BEA features new measures for certain services delivered by multinational companies through their affiliates that are located in, but owned outside, of the markets that they serve. The new measures replace sales-based measures with measures more akin to output for two important industries—insurance and wholesale and retail trade—and better captures the services supplied through affiliates in these industries than sales did. In recognition of this change, the new measure is referred to as “services supplied through affiliates.”

The new measures are featured below in table A and, beginning with 2004, in tables B, F, G, and 8. Supplemental detail for table 8 on a “services supplied” basis is available for MOUSAs for 2002 and 2003, by major area. In tables 9 and 10, the changes are incorporated beginning with 2005; in addition, supplemental detail is available for 2004 for MOFAs and for 2002-2004 for MOUSAs, by industry only.

For more information, see the section "Revisions and Improvements" in Jennifer Koncz and Anne Flatness "U.S. International Services: Cross-Border Trade in 2007 and Services Supplied Through Affiliates in 2006," SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 88 (October 2008).

COPYRIGHTED DATA contained on this file: NONE.


  • 0 -- Legitimate zero value.
  • n.a. -- Not available.
  • (*) -- Less than $500,000 (+/-).
  • (D) -- Suppressed to avoid disclosure of data of individual companies.
  • (....) -- Not applicable.


  • MNC -- Multinational company
  • MOFA-- Majority-owned foreign affiliate
  • MOUSA-- Majority-owned U.S. affiliate
  • UBO -- Ultimate beneficial owner



Data on cross-border trade are shown in tables C, D, E and 1-7.
Data on sales through majority-owned affiliates are shown in tables F and G and 8-10.
Summary data for both cross-border trade and sales through affiliates are shown in tables A and B.

Corrections to tables originally posted October 17, 2008

  • October 24, 2008–Table 1 medical services updated for 1992-2005.  Supplemental Information “Transactions in other private services, by type of service and affiliation, 1992-2007” medical services updated for 1992-2007.
  Table A: Sales of services to Foreign and U.S. markets, 2005-2007
(XLS - 36 KB)
  Table B: Sales of services to foreign and U.S. markets through cross-border trade and through affiliates, 1986-2007 (XLS - 44 KB)
  Table C: Cross-border services, percent change from preceding year (XLS - 36 KB)
  Table D: Cross-border services exports and imports by type and country, 2007 (XLS - 31 KB)
  Table E: Financial services transactions: (Note: Data for 1994-2005 are for unaffiliated transactions only)  
(XLS - 37 KB)
 2006-2007 (XLS - 29 KB)
  Table F: Sales of services by U.S. MNCs through their nonbank MOFAs, and by foreign MNCs through their nonbank MOUSAs:
(XLS - 20 KB)
 1999-2006 (XLS - 21 KB)
  Table G: Effects of the New Measures of Insurance, Wholesale and Retail Trade, and Financial Services on Services Provided by MOFAs and MOUSAs, 2004-2006 (XLS - 37 KB)
  Table 1: Summary data for trade in private services by type:  
(XLS - 31KB)
(XLS - 58KB)
 See “Supplemental Information” for additional detail.
  Table 2: Summary data for private service trade by area and country:  
(XLS - 33 KB)
 1992-2007 (XLS - 59 KB)
  Table 3: Travel, passenger fares, and other transportation, 1986-2007 (XLS - 732 KB)
  Table 4: Royalties and license fees:  
(XLS - 507 KB)
 2006-2007 (XLS - 83 KB)
  Table 5: Other Private Services:  
(XLS - 131 KB)
 1992-2005 (XLS - 323 KB)
(XLS - 76 KB)
 Other private services by affiliation of transactors, 1992-2005 (Former Table 8)
(XLS - 376 KB)
  Table 6: Insurance:  
(XLS - 91 KB)
 1992-2007 (XLS - 310 KB)
  Table 7: Business, professional, and technical services:  
(XLS - 253 KB)
 2001-2005 (XLS - 134 KB)
 2006-2007 (XLS - 85 KB)
  NOTE. For tables 8-10, prior to 2004, services supplied to international markets through affiliates were defined as “sales of services,” which did not include distributive services provided by wholesalers and retailers and premium supplements earned by insurers, and it did not exclude from services that portion of insurance premiums that are attributable to normal losses.  
  Table 8: Services supplied to foreign persons by U.S. MNCs through their nonbank MOFAs and to U.S. persons by foreign MNCs through their nonbank MOUSAs, by country, 1989-2006 (XLS - 52 KB)
 Supplemental detail for services supplied to U.S. persons by foreign MNCs through their nonbank MOUSAs, by major area, 2002-2003
(XLS - 27 KB)
  Table 9: Services supplied to foreign persons by U.S. MNCs through their nonbank MOFAs:  
 SIC-Based industry of affiliate by country of affiliate, 1989-1998
(XLS - 103 KB)
 NAICS-Based industry of affiliate by country of affiliate, 1999-2006 (XLS - 208 KB)
 Supplemental detail for services supplied to foreign persons by U.S. MNCs through their nonbank MOFAs, by major NAICS-based industry sector of affiliate, 2004 (XLS - 24 KB)
  Table 10: Services Supplied to U.S. Persons by Foreign MNCs through their Nonbank MOUSAs:  
 SIC-Based industry of affiliate by country of UBO, 1989-1996
(XLS - 75 KB)
 NAICS-Based industry of affiliate by country of affiliate, 1999-2005 (XLS - 267 KB)
 Supplemental detail for services supplied to U.S. persons by foreign MNCs through their nonbank MOUSAs, by major NAICS-based industry sector of affiliate, 2002-2004 (XLS - 32 KB)
  Supplemental Information
 Transactions in other private services, by type of service and affiliation, 1992-2007
(XLS - 71 KB)

Last updated: Friday, October 24, 2008