Drug Information: K
Ketamine | Khat

Street terms for Ketamine: jet, super acid, Special "K", green, K, cat Valium1

What does Ketamine look like?

  • Ketamine comes in a clear liquid and a white or off-white powder form.

How is Ketamine used?

  • Ketamine is a tranquilizer most commonly used on animals.
  • The liquid form can be injected, consumed in drinks, or added to smokable materials.
  • The powder form can be used for injection when dissolved.2
  • In certain areas, Ketamine is being injected intramuscularly.3

Who uses Ketamine?

  • Ketamine, along with the other "club drugs," has become popular among teens and young adults at dance clubs and "raves."

How does Ketamine get into the United States?

  • Marketed as a dissociative general anesthetic for human and veterinary use, the only known source of Ketamine is via diversion of pharmaceutical products.
  • Recent press reports indicate that a significant number of veterinary clinics are being robbed specifically for their Ketamine stock.
  • DEA reporting indicates that a major source of Ketamine in the United States is product diverted from pharmacies in Mexico.4

How much does Ketamine cost?

  • Prices average $20 to $25 per dosage unit.5

What are some consequences of Ketamine use?

  • Higher doses produce an effect referred to as "K-Hole," an "out of body," or "near-death" experience.6
  • Use of the drug can cause delirium, amnesia, depression, and long-term memory and cognitive difficulties. Due to its dissociative effect, it is reportedly used as a date-rape drug.7

1Office of National Drug Control Policy, Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade.
2Drug Enforcement Administration, Club Drugs: An Update, September 2001.
3National Institute on Drug Abuse, Community Drug Alert Bulletin: Club Drugs, December 1999.
4Drug Enforcement Administration, Club Drugs: An Update, September 2001.

Street terms for Khat: (pronounced Cot) Abyssinian tea, African salad, oat, kat, chat, and catha.i Also referred to as qat in Yemen, tschat in Ethiopia, and miraa in Kenya ii

What does Khat look like? iii

  • Khat is a flowering evergreen shrub native to East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
  • Khat that is sold and abused is usually just the leaves, twigs, and shoots of the Khat shrub.

How is Khat used?iv

  • Khat is typically chewed like tobacco.
  • The fresh leaves, twigs, and shoots of the Khat shrub are chewed, and then retained in the cheek and chewed intermittently to release the active drug.
  • Dried plant material can be made into tea or a chewable paste.
  • Khat can also be smoked and even sprinkled on food.

What are some consequences of Khat use? v

  • Common side effects include anorexia, tahycardia, hypertension, insomnia, and gastric disorders.
  • Chronic Khat abuse can result in symptoms such as physical exhaustion, violence, and suicidal depression.
  • Widespread frequent use of Khat impacts productivity because it tends to reduce worker motivation.
  • Khat can induce manic behaviors, hyperactivity, and hallucinations.vi
  • There are reports of Khat-induced psychosis.vii

Who uses Khat? viii

  • The use of Khat is an established cultural tradition for many social situations in the areas of primary cultivation: East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
  • Several million people may currently be using Khat worldwide.
  • The largest concentrations of users are in the regions surrounding the Middle East.

How does Khat get to the United States?ix

  • Khat, while illegal in the United States, is legal in much of Europe, East Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula.
  • Individuals of East African and Middle Eastern descent are mot often responsible for the importation, distribution, possession, and use of Khat in the United States.
  • Khat is usually shipped already packaged in bundles, and wrapped in plastic bags or banana leaves to retain moisture and freshness.
  • Khat is generally smuggled in passenger luggage, overnight express mail, or shipped as air cargo and falsely labeled as "vegetables."

How much does Khat cost?

  • Exactly prices are not known, but Khat is a relatively costly drug.x

i "Khat," DEA Intelligence Brief, DEA Intelligence Division, June 2002
ii "Drugs and Chemicals of Concern: Khat," DEA Diversion Control Program
iii "Drugs and Chemicals of Concern: Khat," DEA Diversion Control Program
iv "Khat," DEA Intelligence Brief, DEA Intelligence Division, June 2002
v "Khat," DEA Intelligence Brief, DEA Intelligence Division, June 2002
vi "Drugs and Chemicals of Concern: Khat," DEA Diversion Control Program
vii "Drugs and Chemicals of Concern: Khat," DEA Diversion Control Program
viii "Khat," DEA Intelligence Brief, DEA Intelligence Division, June 2002
ix "Khat," DEA Intelligence Brief, DEA Intelligence Division, June 2002
x "Khat," DEA Intelligence Brief, DEA Intelligence Division, June 2002