Careers with the Bureau of Land Management


  BLM Employees at Work

Competitive Salary

Your salary will be comparable to salaries paid by other Federal agencies and private companies in your area.

Like other government agencies, most salaries in the Bureau of Land Management are paid under the General Schedule (GS). Your grade level when you start to work will depend on your qualifications and the position's requirements. Under the Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act, salaries are adjusted annually.

Professional Development

The Bureau of Land Management offers a stimulating environment where you can develop your talents. To assist you in becoming a vital part of the team, we offer training to help sharpen your skills.

The Bureau encourages career development and offers many in-house courses sponsored through the Bureau of Land Management's National Training Center, the Office of Personnel Management, or other Federal agencies. Outside training may also be available at local universities, community colleges, and business schools.

Career development is very important both to individuals and to the Bureau of Land Management. To help you progress in your career, the BLM encourages each employee to have an individual development plan prepared. You and your supervisor can use this plan to outline training, work assignments, and other activities to help you develop the skills, knowledges, and abilities you will need to advance your career.


As your duties and responsibilities increase, so will your grade level. Many opportunities for advancement exist within BLM if you show the initiative, ability, and willingness to accept the increased responsibilities of higher-level positions. Advancement is competitive and based on performance and merit.

BLM Employee Teaching Fire Education  

If you are willing to relocate, you may be able to advance your career by moving to other BLM locations and different organizational levels. Specific information on salaries and career progression can be obtained from any Bureau Personnel Office.


The Bureau has an incentive awards program to encourage excellence by acknowledging superior performance. The recognition may involve cash awards or special salary increases for outstanding performance.

Work Schedules

Many options are available for getting the job done and meeting the needs of a changing and diverse workforce. These options include full-time, part-time, flex-time or other alternate work schedules (four 10-hour days each week, eight nine-hour days and one eight-hour day every two weeks, etc.).


One of the most important benefits of working for the Federal Government is the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS).

FERS is an excellent retirement system that is responsive to changing times and Federal workforce needs:

Many of its features are portable; if you leave employment, you may still qualify for benefits It is flexible; you will be able to choose what is best for your individual situation. It enables you to take an active role in securing your future.

  BLM Employee Performs GIS Survey

FERS is a three-tiered retirement plan with three components:

- Social Security Benefits
- Basic Benefit Plan
- Thrift Savings Plan

Employees pay full Social Security taxes and a small contribution to the Basic Benefit plan. In addition, employees may make tax-deferred contributions to a thrift savings plan, with a portion being matched by the government. The three components of FERS work together to provide a strong financial foundation for your retirement years.

Health Benefits

You have a choice of health plans under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. This choice allows you to select the kind and amount of insurance you actually need and want. For Health Benefits Program enrollment purposes, a family consists of a spouse and any unmarried children under age 22, including legally adopted children. The Federal Government pays about 75 percent of the premium; you pay the remainder through a payroll deduction. The cost of each plan differs. When you retire from Federal service, Health Benefit enrollment continues with the same benefits and cost.

Life Insurance

Federal Employee's Group Life Insurance provides several levels of coverage for employees and their families. You must elect basic life insurance to be eligible for optional insurance. The Government contributes to part of the cost of the premium for basic insurance; you pay the balance of the cost (along with the entire cost for any optional insurance you may choose) through payroll deductions. At retirement, all of the insurance that you have had for five years can be continued into retirement. Should you leave Federal Service, your insurance may be converted to a private plan.

Vacation and Sick Leave

Vacation days are earned according to the number of years you have been in the Federal Service. As a full-time employee, you earn 13 days of annual leave each year during your first three years of employment, 20 days each year for the next 12 years, and 26 days each year after 15 years. You have the option of carrying over up to six weeks of leave from one year to the next. Federal employees also receive paid time off for 10 national holidays. Thirteen days of sick leave are earned each year to cover illness, medical care, and maternity. Sick leave can be accumulated without limit and taken as needed.


Workers' Compensation

If you are injured on the job, you are entitled to medical care. If you sustain a disabling, traumatic job-related injury, you can receive your regular pay for a period of time through the Office of Workers' Compensation. If you are still disabled, you are then entitled to disability compensation.

Age, Suitability and Citizen Requirements

The minimum age for student employment is 16 years of age. For competitive service appointment, the minimum age requirement is 18 (or 16 if you have a high school diploma or equivalent).

A personnel investigation, which includes a background check with regard to character, reputation, qualifications, and other pertinent factors, is conducted on employees to ensure their fitness for Federal employment.

All males born after December 31, 1959, who are or were required to register under Section 3 of the Military Selective Service Act, and who are seeking appointment to a civilian position with the Federal government, are required to show proof of registration with the Selective Service System.

To be appointed in the competitive service with the Bureau, you must be a citizen of the United States.

Equal Employment Opportunity

The Bureau of Land Management is an equal opportunity employer and vigorously supports programs to attract, develop, and promote quality talent. The Bureau does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, or handicap.

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