ERIC: Education Resources Information Center Skip main navigation Skip main and local navigation
ERIC: Education Resources Information Center Skip main navigation Skip main and local navigation
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Find in a Library Feature

Today's researchers prefer easy access to online full-text resources. ERIC, in partnership with OCLC, offers Find in a Library to direct users to the resources available from their libraries. Find in a Library leverages existing data from thousands of libraries to provide links to holdings for ERIC records associated with an ISSN or ISBN.  Based on the IP address of the user, ERIC uses OCLC's WorldCat Registry to direct patrons to the print and electronic resources found in library collections.

How it Works

Find in a Library seamlessly connects researchers affiliated with your institution to your library holdings and places library services at their fingertips. Researchers enjoy an enhanced ERIC user experience, realize more fruitful searches, and appreciate the simplified task of locating full text. When no other source is available, WorldCat helps users locate the nearest institution that includes the print material among its holdings.

Get Started

ERIC relies on the information provided in OCLC's WorldCat registry to match a user's IP address to the correct institution. There is no cost for libraries to participate. OCLC membership is not required to maintain a library profile or to register an OpenURL resolver.

If your institution maintains or uses an OpenURL resolver, we encourage you to register and help your ERIC users find more resources in your library. Here's how to do it:

  1. Sign in to the WorldCat Registry at
  2. Create or edit your institution's profile.
  3. Provide the base URL for your OpenURL Resolver along with the IP range associated with your institution.

To verify whether your resolver is already listed in the WorldCat Registry, visit OCLC's OpenURL Gateway from a workstation in your library. If you see one or more links to resolvers, your resolver is already registered. For more information about WorldCat, see