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Prepared By:
8403 Colesville Road, Suite 910
Silver Spring, MD 20910

May 9, 2008


Executive Summary
1. Introduction
2. ADAAG Background
2.1 Access Board Regulatory Assessment
2.4�Structure of Analysis and Scenarios
2.4.1�Barrier Removal and Safe Harbor
2.4.2�Classification of Requirements
2.4.3�Alternative Baselines�
2.4.4�Summary of Scenarios�
3.���Benefit-Cost Analysis Approach
3.1�Cost Estimation
3.1.1�Capital Construction Costs
3.1.2�Operations and Maintenance Costs (O&M)
3.1.3�Loss of Productive Space�
3.2�Benefits Estimation
3.2.1�Overview of theory
3.2.2�Benefits from Changes in Access Time
3.2.3�Economic Models for a Change in Access Time
3.3�Risk Analysis
3.4�Lifecycle Analysis
3.5�Evaluation criteria
4.���Data and Assumptions�
4.1�Cost Estimation Data and Discussion
4.1.1�Number of Facilities
4.1.2�Number of Elements per facility
4.1.3�Construction Costs
4.1.4�Operations and Maintenance Costs
4.1.5�Loss of Productive Space�
4.1.6�Replacement Costs
4.1.7�Expert Cost Review
4.2�Benefits Data and Assumptions
4.2.1�Number of Facility Visits of U.S. Adults
4.2.2�Number of Facility Visits of Persons with Disabilities
4.2.3�Lifecycle Assumptions
4.2.4�Generalized Use and Access Cost
4.2.5�Value of Time
4.2.6�Access Time Change
4.2.7�Price Elasticity of Demand for a Facility Visit
4.2.8�Ease of Access Adjustment
4.3�Risk Analysis
4.4�Definition of Baselines
5.���Results and Discussion
5.1�Results Under Primary Baseline Scenario
5.1.1�Total Net Present Value
5.1.2�Distribution of Costs and Benefits
5.1.3�Net Present Value by Requirements
5.1.4�Net Present Value by Facilities
5.1.5�Net Present Value for Public versus Private Facilities�
5.2�Results Under Additional Scenarios
5.2.1�Safe Harbor and No Safe Harbor Scenarios
5.2.2�Readily Achievable Scenarios
5.2.3�International Building Code (IBC) Scenarios�
5.3�Relative Impact of Selected Assumptions
5.4�Unquantified Benefits -- Option and Existence Values
6. Small Business Impact Analysis


Appendix 1: Proposed Framework for the Regulatory Analysis (Reproduced from ANPRM)
Appendix 2: Summary of Requirements
Appendix 3: Cost Estimation Data
A.�Numbers of Facilities�
B.�Annual Growth Rates of Facilities
C.�Assumptions With Respect to Estimated Typical Facility Size
D.�Description of Element
E.�Number of Elements Per Typical Facility�
F.�Likelihood of Element in a Typical Facility
G.�Likelihood of Element in a Typical Facility (Varying by Facility)
H.�Unit Costs
I.�Operation and Maintenance Cost�
J.�Facility Space Cost
K.�Changes in Productive Space Per Requirement
L.�Years Before Replacement
Appendix 4: Benefits Estimation Data
A.�Average Visits by Adults per Facility�
B.�Total US Population
C.�Total Sales per Facility�
D. Consumer Price Index�
E.�Percentage of Disability, by Type�
F.�Income Adjustment Factors by Facility
G.�Time Use Survey
H.�Total Access Time per Facility
I.�Market Price by Facility
J.�Value of Time
K.�Description of Benefits by Requirement
L.�Time Change / Expected Number of Uses Input
M.�Likelihood of Realizing Benefits
N.�Total Access Time Change per Facility
P.�Ease of Access (EOA) Adjustment by Facility
Q.�Examples of Consumer Surplus Calculations
Appendix 5: Small Business Data
Appendix 6: RAP Primer
Appendix 7: RAP Panelists / Agenda
A.�Benefits RAP Panel
B.�Cost RAP Panel
Appendix 8: Matrix of Changes Represented by New and Revised Requirements
Appendix 9: Matrix of Applicable Baselines for IBC Scenarios
Appendix 10: Regulatory Proposals

List of Figures

Figure 1: Diagram of Conditions Corresponding to Compliance of Elements
Figure 2: Economic Framework for Estimating Benefits from Changes in Generalized Access Cost
Figure 3: Total Number of Elements: Top Five Most Frequently Occurring and All Others
Figure 4: Top 5 Average Barrier Removal Construction Costs Per Unit
Figure 5: Example of Cost RAP Question
Figure 6: Example of Benefits RAP Question
Figure 7: Total NPV - Baseline Scenario: SH/RA50/B1991; 3% and 7% Discount Rates
Figure 8: Distribution of Benefits between Users and Facilities (Cost Savings)
Figure 9: Distribution of Costs between Type of Cost, Type of Construction, Users
Figure 10: NPV for Selected Requirements
Figure 11: NPV for Selected Facilities
Figure 12: NPV for Selected Facilities with Public and Private
Figure 13: NPV Comparison -- Safe Harbor Policy: SH/RA50/ B1991 , NSH/RA50/ B1991
Figure 14: NPV Comparison -- Alternate Readily Achievable %: SH/ RA0, RA50, RA100/ B1991
Figure 15: NPV Comparison -- Alternate Baselines: SH/RA100/ B1991, B2000, B2003, B2006
Figure 16: Distribution of Sensitivities for Requirement 37: Side Reach. NPV = -$970.6
Figure 17: Distribution of Sensitivities for Requirement 32: Water closet clearance in single user toilet rooms -- in swinging doors. NPV = -928.1
Figure 18: Distribution of Sensitivities for Requirement 26: Passenger Loading Zones (Medical / Long-Term Care). NPV = -489.0
Figure 19: Distribution of Sensitivities for Requirement 23: Passenger Loading Zones. NPV = 1,835.3�
Figure 20: Distribution of Sensitivities for Requirement 70: Accessible Route to Exercise Machines and Equipment. NPV = 1,100.4
Figure 21: Distribution of Sensitivities for Requirement 45: Transient lodging Guest Room Vanities. NPV = 1,071.5
Figure 22: Combining Probability Distributions
Figure 23: Risk Analysis of Annual Capital Cost per Element, Illustration Only

List of Tables

Table 1: List of Requirements
Table 2: List of Facilities
Table 3: Number of Establishments in 2007 by Facility Group
Table 4: Requirements not included in Baseline Scenario
Table 5: Total Number of Annual Visits per Facility Group by Adults
Table 6: Total Net Present Value in Baseline Scenario at Expected Value (billions $)
Table 7: Costs and Benefits per Requirement in Baseline Scenario
Table 8: Total Costs and Benefits per Facility Group in Baseline Scenario
Table 9: Net Present Value for Public and Private Facilities
Table 10: Costs, Benefits and NPV Comparison using Primary (1991 Standards) Baseline and Requirement-Specific Alternate IBC Baseline -- Req. # 10 and 16
Table 11: Costs, Benefits and NPV Comparison Using Primary (1991 Standards) Baseline and Requirement-Specific Alternate IBC/ANSI Baselines -- Req # 32 and 37
Table 12: Impact on Results of Reduced to Access Time Premium
Table 13: Impact on Results of Reduced to Use Time Premium
Table 14: Impact on Results of Reduced Demand Elasticity At All Facilities
Table 17: Number of Facilities and Total Sales for Small vs. Facilities of All Sizes, and Ratio of Average Sales per Facility, by Facility Group
Table 18: Net Cost Comparison: Small vs. Facilities of All Sizes, by Facility Group
Table 19: Annual Cost Comparison: Small vs. Facilities of All Sizes, by Facility Group

Acronyms and Abbreviations

1991 ADAAG -- ADA Accessibility Guidelines
2004 ADAAG -- ADA/ABA Accessibility Guidelines
Access Board -- Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
ABRA -- Access Board Regulatory Assessment
ADA -- Americans with Disabilities Act
ADAAG -- Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines
ALT - alterations
ANPRM -- Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
BLS -- Bureau of Labor Statistics
BR -- barrier removal
CPI -- Consumer Price Index
Department or DOJ -- Department of Justice
EIA -- Energy Information Administration
HUD -- Department of Housing and Urban Development
IBC -- International Building Code
NAICS -- North American Industry Classification System
NC -- new construction
NPRM -- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
NPV -- Net Present Value
O&M -- operation and maintenance
OMB -- Office of Management and Budget
RA -- readily achievable
RAP -- Risk Analysis Process
SBA -- Small Business Association
SH -- safe harbor
UFAS -- Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards

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