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It's unfortunate how many people believe that estate planning is only for wealthy people. People at all economic levels benefit from an estate plan. Upon death, an estate plan legally protects and distributes property based on your wishes and the needs of your family and/or survivors with as little tax as possible.

Advance Medical Directives. Everyone faces the possibility that sometime during our lifetime, we may become incapacitated. This often happens when nearing death, but it can also be the result of a temporary condition. Many people assume their spouses or children will automatically be allowed to make financial and/or medical decisions for them, but this is not necessarily true. Advance directives are written documents that tell your doctors what kind of treatment you'll want if you become unable to make medical decisions (e.g., if you're in a coma). Forms and laws vary from state to state, so it's a good idea to understand the laws of the tate where yo live as you write advance directives. It's also a good idea to make them before you are very ill. Federal law requires hospitals, nursing homes, and other institutions that receive Medicare or Medicaid funds to provide written information regarding advanced care directives to all patients upon admission.

A living will is one type of advance directive that comes into effect when a person is terminally ill. A living will does not give you the opportunity to select someone to make decisions for you, but allows you to specify the kind of treatment you want in specific situations. For example, you might choose to specify that you do not want to be treated with antibiotics if death is imminent. You can, if you choose, include an advance directive that you do not wish to be resuscitated if your heart stops or if you stop breathing. In this case, a Do Not Resucscitate (DNR) order would be entered on your medical chart.

A durable power of attorney for health care (sometimes called a durable medical power of attorney) specifies the person you've chosen to make medical decisions for you. It is activated anytime you're unconscious or unable to make medical decisions. You need to choose someone who meets the legal requirements in your state for acting as your agent. State laws vary, but most states disqualify anyone under the age of 18, your health care provider, or employees of y our health care provider.

The person you name as your agent must:

  • Be willing to speak and advocate on your behalf
  • Be willing to deal with conflict among friends and family members, if it arises
  • Know you well and understand your wishes
  • Be willing to talk with you about these issues
  • Be someone you trust with your life

A will is the most practical first step in estate planning; it makes clear how you want your property to be distributed after you die.

Writing a will can be as simple as typing out how you want your assets to be transferred to loved ones or charitable organizations after your death. If you don't have a will when you die, your estate will be handled in probate, and your property could be distributed differently than what you would like.

Rules To Remember When Writing A Will
  • In most states, you must be 18 years of age or older.
  • A will must be written in sound judgment and mental capacity to be valid.
  • The document must clearly state that it is your will.
  • An executor of your will, who ensures your estate is distributed according to your wishes, must be named.
  • It is not necessary to notarize or record your will but these can safeguard against any claims that your will is invalid. To be valid, you must sign a will in the presence of at least two witnesses.

It may help to get legal advice when writing a will, particularly when it comes to understanding all the rules of the estate disposition process in your state. In some states, for instance, there is a community-property law that entitles your surviving spouse to keep half of your wealth after you die no matter what percentage you leave him or her. Fees for the execution of a will vary according to its complexity.

Choose an Executor

An executor is the person who is responsible for settling the estate after death. Duties of an executor include:

  • Taking inventory of property and belongings
  • Appraising and distributing assets
  • Paying taxes
  • Settling debts owed by the deceased

Most important, the executor is legally obligated to act in the interests of the deceased, following the wishes provided by the will. Here again, it could be helpful to consult an attorney to help with the probate process or offer legal guidance. Any person over the age of 18, who hasn't been convicted of a felony, can be named executor of a will. Some people choose a lawyer, accountant or financial consultant based on their experience. Others choose a spouse, adult child, relative or friend. Since the role of executor can be demanding, it's often a good idea to ask the person being named in a will if he or she is willing to serve.

If you've been named executor in someone's will but are not able or do not want to serve, you need to file a declination, which is a legal document that declines your designation as an executor. The contingent executor named in the will then assumes responsibility. If no contingent executor is named, the court will appoint one.

Take Another Look

Once you've completed a will, it's a good idea to review it from time to time, and consider changes if:

  • The value of your assets change
  • You marry, divorce or remarry
  • You have a child
  • You move to a different state
  • The executor of your will dies or becomes incapacitated or your relationship changes
  • One of your heirs dies
  • The laws affecting your estate change
Consumer News
Communicate Your Advance Directives for Health Care
Funerals: A Consumer Guide
Five Common Mistakes Made in Wills
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