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TV - Cable/Satellite Title Graphic

Aside from old fashioned TV with an antenna, you can get television service from cable service providers, satellite TV proiders and, in some areas, your telephone company. You can even watch TV on the web. Most cable and satellite providers will also offer you a bundle of services which include digital TV, Internet and phone service, plus a host of added features such as video on demand and premium high definition channels. To help you make sense of it all, review the following information.


You can start with a basic lineup of channels and go from there. The more channels you want, the more it will cost. You may want to consider video on demand so you can order movies and sports events and watch them when you like (usually within a 24-hour window). You can also buy a bundle of services that includes digital TV, digital phone and broadband Internet access at discounted rates. Bear in mind, however, that you may be asked to sign a contract for bundled services.

Satellite TV

This requires a dish that's mounted outside (service requires an unobstructed view of the satellite) and a receiver that's placed by your television. Satellite TV may offer more channels than cable TV, and you can add a digital video recorder to record shows for viewing later. One downside to satellite TV is occasional interference during periods of rain or snow. Check with your satellite TV provider for channel options and prices. Like cable TV, you may be asked to sign a contract for a package of services.

Internet TV

If you have a high-speed Internet connection, you're already able to watch thousands of videos on your computer. But movies and TV shows are also available and becoming more prevalent as large online companies start distributing TV programming. While Internet TV is in its infancy today, it may be the way you'll watch TV in the future.

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