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Health - Choosing a Doctor Title Graphic

When searching for a doctor, dentist or other healthcare professional:

  • Find out whether they are licensed in your state. A state or local occupational and professional licensing board will be able to give you this information.
  • Research whether they are board-certified in the appropriate specialty. You can find this information on the websites of the American Medical Association and the American Board of Medical Specialties.
  • Ask how often they have done the procedure you need and their success rate. You may be able to find some of this information on the Internet. For example, the Center for Disease Control reports the success rates and number of procedures performed by fertility clinics. Some states collect and post data on the success of heart-bypass surgery.
  • Check whether there have been any complaints or disciplinary actions taken. Websites that can help are and There are also pay-for-use sites with similar information including and

Visit for more advice on identifying providers.

Filing A Complaint

If you have a complaint about the medical services you received from a physician, you may file a complaint with your State Medical Board. The Federation of State Medical Boards offers a complete of State Medical Boards. You can also call 817-868-4000 to get the phone number of your State Medical Board.

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Medicare Consumer Alert For Beneficiaries Who Use Oxygen Equipment and Supplies
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