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AmeriCorps*VISTA (State)

End Date: 8/30/2007
CFDA # 94.013

Contact: Please contact your local Corporation State Office.

AmeriCorps*VISTA—Working to Provide Long-term Solutions to Poverty

AmeriCorps*VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) provides full-time members to nonprofit community-based and faith-based organizations, and public agencies to create and expand programs that bring low-income individuals and communities out of poverty.

AmeriCorps*VISTA members leverage human, financial, and material resources to increase the capacity of thousands of low-income areas across the country to address challenges and improve their lives and communities.  They leave behind lasting solutions to some of our country's toughest problems.

Since 1965, more than 140,000 Americans have served through VISTA. Today, nearly 6,000 AmeriCorps*VISTA members serve throughout the country—working to fight illiteracy, improve health services, create businesses, increase housing opportunities, bridge the digital divide, and strengthen the capacity of community organizations serving low-income communities.

AmeriCorps*VISTA members spend at least one year in full-time service addressing the needs of low-income communities. All projects focus on building permanent infrastructure in nonprofit organizations to help them more effectively bring individuals and communities out of poverty.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the process for becoming an AmeriCorps*VISTA Project Sponsor?

First, you will need to complete the Concept Paper and submit it to your local Corporation State Office.  If the Concept Paper is accepted, you will be asked to complete a full application, including a specific budget based on State Office instructions.  Please note that Concept Papers are accepted throughout the year; there is no specific deadline. 

I'm a renewing project but this will be my first application in eGrants.  Do I need to do the Concept Paper or can I go straight to the Application?

All renewing projects will need to do a Concept Paper the first time they use eGrants.  After this initial time, you will not need to do another Concept Paper unless your organization applies for a completely different/new AmeriCorps*VISTA project.

As a current Project Sponsor using eGrants for the first time, is there anything different about my organization applying in eGrants as opposed to a brand-new organization?

Yes.  When you create your eGrants Account using your EIN, you should see that your organization is already in the system.  When you begin the Concept Paper, your existing project should appear in a drop-down menu and that is the project you will need to select; do NOT create a new one.  If you are an existing Project Sponsor and your organization does not appear as an option when you create your Account, please stop and contact your Corporation State Office for technical assistance and to ensure that the EIN we have on record is the same as what you are using to create your account.  If your project does not appear in the Concept Paper as a selection item, you should also stop and contact your Corporation State Office.

Where do I obtain the application guidelines and instructions?

Click here to view the Federal Register Guidelines on Becoming an AmeriCorps*VISTA Project Sponsor
Click here to view the AmeriCorps*VISTA Concept Paper Instructions (PDF)

If your Concept Paper is accepted, you will be asked to submit a full project Application and the applicable budget.  You can preview the Application instructions but do not submit a full application unless asked to do so.  Please note that the majority of AmeriCorps*VISTA projects do not involve a cash grant of any kind.

Who can apply to become an AmeriCorps*VISTA Project Sponsor?

  • Public, private, community or faith-based nonprofit organizations
  • Local, state, or federal agencies

May I request technical assistance prior to starting my Concept Paper?

Yes, AmeriCorps*VISTA is not a traditional "grants" program.  Concept Papers are accepted throughout the year and Corporation State Offices may provide technical assistance to potential sponsoring organizations.  In some instances, AmeriCorps*VISTA may make funds available through a competitive NOFA process which would preclude the provision of advance technical assistance.  In those instances, the NOFA announcement will clearly indicate the nature of the "grant" competition.

It is highly recommend that all potential Project Sponsors contact their Corporation State Offices for technical assistance prior to applying online.

Are we required to submit our application via the on-line eGrants system?

Applications must be submitted via the on-line eGrants system. If you are unable to access the internet, please contact your Corporation State Office.  For eGrants instructions, go to:   eGrants is an online system designed to automate the project management process from application to closeout. It allows applicants to find grant or project sponsorship opportunities, apply for projects, and manage reporting online. The system also allows the Corporation to review applications, award projects and grants and manage those projects efficiently and effectively. Visit eGrants for more information and instructions on getting started with eGrants.

If you have questions about submitting your applications through eGrants, please contact your Corporation State Office or e-mail the eGrants help desk or call 1-888-677-7849.

What other documents are required in addition to the application? Where do I send them?

We require that you submit the documents listed below only if asked to complete a full application. These materials should be sent directly to your Corporation State Office.

  • List of Advisory Council Members if already selected. If not, the list must be submitted to the Corporation before the end of the first quarter of the project. (Year 1 + renewal applications)
  • Copy of Articles of Incorporation (not applicable to public entities). (Year 1 only unless changed)
  • List of Board of Directors, or governing body (not applicable if public entity). (Year 1 only unless changed)
  • Organizational chart of the applicant (Year 1 only unless changed)
  • Tax exempt status: either IRS determination or copy of application to IRS for exemption (not applicable to public entities)
  • Copy of Supervisor’s Resume and Job Description (Year 1 only unless changed)
  • Two letters of support for the proposed project from other organizations in your community. If the organization is a project partner, the letter should describe the type of support and/or resources the organization will will contribute. (Year 1 + renewal applications)
  • For multi-site projects, list of organizations where AC*VISTA members will be placed, and contact persons, along with a letter of commitment from the Board of Directors of each organization
  • Copy of most recent financial audit if available. (Year 1)
  • Signed Assurances and Certifications forms (Attached to the SF424 Face Sheet and only if applying on paper)

What is Cost Sharing?

Sponsoring a Cost Share Partnership Project is a low-cost way to get critical help from skilled AmeriCorps*VISTA members who will serve with your organization, "jump-starting" new anti-poverty projects without encountering the complexities and overhead costs associated with start-up or expansion.

As a cost share project, your organization contributes the living allowance-about $11,000-for each cost shared AmeriCorps*VISTA member. Your contribution to the Cost Share Partnership does not need to be provided up front. There are several flexible options for reimbursing AmeriCorps*VISTA for your share.

Cost sharing is an excellent way to leverage additional funding resources and see where the dollars will be matched by AmeriCorps*VISTA. In finding funding for your organization's share of the partnership, consider approaching:

  • Community foundations;
  • State government funding sources;
  • Municipalities and school districts;
  • Colleges and universities; and
  • Local corporations.

AmeriCorps*VISTA covers the cost of a series of benefits and services for the AmeriCorps*VISTA members and your organization.

  • $4,725 education award or $1,200 post-service stipend.
  • Health coverage for all members assigned to your project - approximately $2,700 per member.
  • Payroll services: Members receive their living allowance payments directly from AmeriCorps*VISTA through direct deposit.
  • Training in project management and leadership for members and project supervisor.
  • Travel costs associated with training. Moving allowance for members relocating to serve.
  • Liability coverage for all members, under the Federal Employees Compensation Act and the Federal Torts Claims Act.
  • Child care for income-eligible members.
  • FICA
  • Assistance with recruiting members.

Estimated total contribution: $12,000

Can an intermediary organization or consortium of organizations apply for project sponsorship?

At this time, AmeriCorps*VISTA is only accepting applications from single-site organizations in eGrants.  Potential sponsors wishing to apply as Intermediaries for multi-site or multi-state projects can submit their hard copy concept paper; please contact AmeriCorps*VISTA for more information.

Where do I go to learn more about performance measures?

The Corporation generally requires all programs to submit at least three performance measures as part of their application. Those measures must relate to advancing sustainable service and volunteer programs. You are encouraged, but not required, to submit additional measures, as appropriate to your program, that relate to the citizen service that will be carried out with the project.

For more information about performance measures under Corporation grants, including a toolkit to assist in the development and implementation of performance measures, visit the performance measure technical assistance web site at



Technical Assistance Information:

Please contact your local Corporation State Office for technical assistance.  You can also find information about performance measures, including a toolkit to assist in the development and implementation of performance measures, on our performance measure technical assistance web site at



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