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The Center For Veterans Enterprise Web Portal

Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business

Veteran-Owned Small Business


Geographical Area of Search

Point Of Contact

Telephone Number

Email Address

Additional Requirements

Please click here for keyword search on NAICS code!

Please ensure all data fields are complete and select submit button once. An email will be generated and sent to The Center for Veterans Enterprise Corporate Liaison. (Please select OK when prompted and then yes to send email) We will contact you if more information is needed. If you have problems submitting via email please print a copy and Fax to 202-303-3301. Please do not send both a fax and an email. Routine turn around for this report is three days. If you need this service expidited please call 202-303-3301 after you have submitted your request.



Veteran Eligibilty

  • Locate or register a veteran owned business
  • The Vendor Information Pages Database is the only Federally controlled database in which a legal verification process is used to determine service disabled or veteran status of a small business. All companies participating in the Veterans First program under PL 109-461 are required to submit evidence of ownership / control and veteran status before being awarded a VA contract under the set-aside authority.