FY 2007 South Africa Partners

Information subject to change as improved data becomes available.

The list below includes prime1 partners obligated3 Emergency Plan money in fiscal year 2006 and the sub-partners2 of those prime partners.

The 2007 prime and sub-partner list reflects organizations that obligated FY 2007 money during fiscal year 2007 - that is from October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007.

The list is based on data provided by U.S. Government agency field offices during the Annual Program Results updates submitted to the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator. This information will be updated as new data becomes available.

Prime Partner:



Absolute Return for Kids

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



Academy for Educational Development

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



Africa Center for Health and Population Studies

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



African Medical and Research Foundation

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support



Elandskraal Home-Based Care

Itembalesiswe Drop in centre

Itsoseng Youth Development

Makuduthamakaga Home Based Care Umbrella Organisation

Nduma Drop in Centre

Ubombo Drop in Centre

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



American Association of Blood Banks

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Medical Transmission: Blood Safety

Prime Partner:



American International Health Alliance

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Treatment: ARV Services



Foundation for Professional Development

Voluntary HealthCare Corp

Prime Partner:



Anglican Church of the Province of Southern Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Prime Partner:



Association of Schools of Public Health

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening



Harvard University School of Public Health

Prime Partner:



Aurum Health Research

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services



Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital

Eastern Cape Department of Health

Faranani Health Solutions

Kimera Solutions

Kings View Clinic


Medical Research Council of South Africa

Metro Evangelical Services Impilo     

Re!Action Consulting

S Buys Purchasing

Toga Laboratories

Prime Partner:



Boston University

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Treatment: ARV Services



Wits Health Consortium, Health Economics Research Unit

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services



Harvard University, Medical School - Division of AIDS

Prime Partner:



CARE International    

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)



Muslim AIDS Program

Tucker Strategy

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children



Aganang Home Based Care

Anglican Church of the Province of Southern Africa

Boikhucho Home Based Care

Choice Health Care Trust

Civil Society

Fetaakgomo Home Based Care Groups

Kingdom Trust

Lesedi Educare Association

Manoke Home Based Care Group

National Association of Persons Living with HIV/AIDS, South Africa

Nhlayiso Community Health and Counseling Centre

Ntsoanatsatsi Educare Trust

Ramontshinyadi HIV/AIDS Youth Guide

Vongani Child and Youth Care Development Project

Prime Partner:



Catholic Relief Services

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services



Catholic Medical Mission Board

Children's AIDS Fund

Constella Futures

Institute for Youth Development

South African Catholic Bishops Conference AIDS Office

The Futures Group International

Prime Partner:



Child Welfare South Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Prime Partner:



Children in Distress

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children



LifeLine PMB

Project Gateway

Sinani Survivors of Violence programme

Youth for Christ South Africa (YfC)

Prime Partner:



Children's AIDS Fund

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Prime Partner:



Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services



Fort Hare University

Foundation for Professional Development

Health Information Systems Programme

Ikhwezi Lokusa Wellness Centre

National Health Laboratory Services

Nelson Mandela Metropole Municipality

Small Projects Foundation

The Mothers' Programmes

United Nations Children's Fund

University of Kwazulu-Natal

University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

Wonk'umuntu ProHealth Wellness Center

Yale University, School of Medicine

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Orphans and Vulnerable Children




Pretoria Child and Family Care Society

Prime Partner:



Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services



Africa Centre Kwamsane Clinic

AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Free State Department of Health

KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health

McCord Hospital

Prime Partner:



Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prime Partner:



Family Health International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services



Free State University

Hospice and Palliative Care Assn. Of South Africa

Makhuduthama (MK) Umbrella

Nightingale Hospice

Project Support Association

South African Catholic Bishops Conference AIDS Office

South African Council of Churches

South African Red Cross Society Kimberley

University of Limpopo

University of the Western Cape

Prime Partner:



Foundation for Professional Development

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services



John Snow, Inc.

Prime Partner:



Georgetown University

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening



Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

University of Incarnate Word

Prime Partner:



GOLD Peer Education Development Agency

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention



Christian Assemblies Welfare Organisation

Community Care Project

Institute for Social Concerns

Leadership South

MaAfrika Tikkun


OIL Reach Out Adolescent Training

Planned Parenthood Association of South Africa



Uniting Christian Students Association

Wagon of Hope

YMCA - Cape Flats

Prime Partner:



Hands at Work in Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Prime Partner:



Health Science Academy

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services



Health Share

Prime Partner:



Hope Worldwide South Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support



Children's HIV/AIDS Network     




Witwatersrand Hospice

Prime Partner:



Hospice and Palliative Care Assn. Of South Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support



Aids Care Training Centre

Breede River Hospice

Brits Hospice

Centurion Hospice


Drakenstein Hospice

East Rand Hospice

Estcourt Hospice

Golden Gateway

Goldfields Hospice

Good Shephard Hospice

Grahamstown Hospice

Helderberg Hospice

Highway Hospice

Hospice Association Witwatersrand

Hospice in the West

Howick Hospice

Khanya Hospice

Knysna/Sedgefield Hospice

Ladybrand Hospice

Mzunduzi Hospice

Naledi Hospice

North West Hospice

Rustenberg Hospice

South Coast Hospice

St. Bernards Hospice

St. Francis Hospice

St. Josephs Care Centre

St. Lukes Hospice

St. Nicholas Hospice

Stellenbsoch Hospice

Sungardens Hospice

Tapologo Hospice

Transkei Hospice

Verulam Hospice

Viljoenskroon Hospice

Wide Horizons

Zululand Hospice

Prime Partner:



Human Science Research Council of South Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Medical Transmission: Injection Safety

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Strategic Information

Prime Partner:



Humana People to People in South Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prime Partner:



Ingwavuma Orphan Care

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support



Lulisandla Kumntwana

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



Kagiso Media, South Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)



Perinatal HIV Research Unit, South Africa

Singisi Consulting

Sonke Consulting

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Strategic Information

Prime Partner:



Leonie Selvan

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Prime Partner:



LifeLine North West - Rustenburg Centre

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prime Partner:



Living Hope

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prime Partner:



Management Sciences for Health

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services



Bonukhanyo Youth Organization

Botho Jwa Rona

Direlang Project

Faranani IT Services

Free State University

House of Hope Hospice

Ikhwezi Lomso

Inkosinathi Community Centre

Inkwanca HBC

Khanyiselani DT

Lafata Home-Based Care

Luncedo Lwesive

Makhuduthamaga HBC

Makotse WC

Maluti Skills

Masakhane Women's Org

Medical Care Development International

Mohlarekoma Home-Based Care

Ncedisizwe HBC

North West University, South Africa

Pholo Modi Wa Sechaba

Progressive AIDS Project

Rhodes University


Sizanani Home-Based Care

Thibela Bolwetsi

Thuthukani Home-Based Care

University of Kwazulu-Natal

University of Limpopo

University of Port Elizabeth, South Africa

University of the North



Prime Partner:



McCord Hospital

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services



CARE International

eThekweni Municipality

Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust


Prime Partner:



Medical Care Development International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Prime Partner:



Mothers 2 Mothers

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support



Education Development Center

Partnership for Supply Chain Management

Perlcom CC

Prime Partner:



National Association of Childcare Workers

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support



Asiphilenikahle Home Based Care

Christian Social Council

Far North Health Care Centre

Highveld Anglican Board for Social Responsibility

Holy Cross Children's Home

Illinge Children's Project

James House

Khanyiselani Development Trust

King Williams Town Child & Youth Care Centre


Thandukuphila Drop In Centre

Tlangelani Community Projects Development Organization

Ubumbano Drop In Centre

Prime Partner:



National Association of State and Territorial AIDS Directors

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support



South Africa Partners

Prime Partner:



National Department of Correctional Services, South Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



National Department of Education

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Prime Partner:



National Department of Health, South Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Counseling and Testing

Laboratory Infrastructure

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Services



AIDS Sexuality and Health Youth Organization

Educational Support Services Trust

South African San Restitution

Theatre for Life Developing Resilient Youth

Prime Partner:



National Institute for Communicable Diseases

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Laboratory Infrastructure

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Strategic Information

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)



Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Foundation for Professional Development

Prime Partner:



Nurturing Orphans of AIDS for Humanity, South Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Prime Partner:



Pact, Inc.

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



Partnership for Supply Chain Management

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)



Health Information Systems Programme

South Africa Partners

Prime Partner:



Perinatal HIV Research Unit, South Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services



HIV South Africa

Rural AIDS Development and Action Research Center

University of Limpopo

Prime Partner:



Population Council

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



Population Services International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing




Tucker Strategy

Prime Partner:



Project Support Association of Southern Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prime Partner:



Reproductive Health Research Unit, South Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



Research Triangle Institute

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prime Partner:



Salesian Mission

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Counseling and Testing

Prime Partner:



Salvation Army

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prime Partner:



Save the Children UK

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children



Centre for Positive Care

Prime Partner:



Scripture Union

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Prime Partner:



Soul City

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Treatment: ARV Services



Alliance Against HIV/AIDS

Cheshire Homes South Africa

Community Skills Training College

Dihlabeng Development Initiative Consortium

Family and Marriage Association of South Africa

Institute of Training and Education for Capacity Building

Joint Education Project

Marang Women in Agriculture and Development


Namaqualand Business Development

National Institute for Community Development and Management

Planned Parenthood Association of South Africa

River Queen-Ndzalama

Robin Trust

Seboka Training and Development

South African National Tutor Services

South African Red Cross Society

TB Alliance DOTS Support Association

Ubuhle Learning Centre

Valley Trust

Prime Partner:



South Africa National Blood Service

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Medical Transmission: Blood Safety

Prime Partner:



South African Catholic Bishops Conference AIDS Office

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children



AIDS Management Committee

Batho Ba Lerato

Catholic Institute of Education

Centocow Mission

Diocesan Aids Committee

Diocese of Aliwal OVC

Diocese of Dunee AIDS Commission

Dundee Diocese

Good Shepherd Hebron

Hlokomela wa Heno

Ingwavuma Orphan Care

Inkanyezi HIV/AIDS Organization


Mercy Aids Project

Sinosizo - Kokstad

Sinosizo Home Base Care

Sizanani Outreach Programme

St Josephs Ithuteng

St. Kizito's St. Anne's OVC



Prime Partner:



South African Clothing & Textile Workers' Union

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



St. Mary's Hospital

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:




Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children



Hands at Work in Africa


Ikageng Itireleng

Prime Partner:



The Futures Group International

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Strategic Information



Crossroads Baptist Church

Positive Living Ambassadors

South African Catholic Bishops Conference AIDS Office

University of Cape Town, Health Economics Unit

University of Pretoria, Center for the Study of AIDS

Prime Partner:



Toga Laboratories

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Laboratory Infrastructure

Treatment: ARV Services

Prime Partner:



Training Institute for Primary Health Care    

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support



AIDS Sexuality and Health Youth Organization    

Emthonjeni Peer Educators

Prime Partner:



Tuberculosis Care Association

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Palliative Care: TB/HIV



TB Alliance DOTS Support Association

University of Cape Town, Health Economics Unit

University of the Western Cape

Prime Partner:



Ubuntu Education Fund

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prime Partner:



University of Kwazulu-Natal

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Drugs

Treatment: ARV Services



Lancet Laboratories

Open Door

TAI Counselors

Prime Partner:



University of KwaZulu-Natal, Nelson Mandela School of Medicine

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)



Ethekwini Traditional Healers Council

KwaZulu Natal Traditional Healers Council

Prime Partner:



University of North Carolina

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Strategic Information

Treatment: ARV Services



Adherence Support Project

KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health

Macro International

Manoff Group, Inc

Prime Partner:



University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prime Partner:



University of Washington

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Other/Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Treatment: ARV Services



Owen Clinic, University of California San Diego

Prime Partner:



University Research Corporation, LLC

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Palliative Care: TB/HIV

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Treatment: ARV Services



Amakhumbuza Home Based Care

Bambisanane Home Based Care

Foundation for Professional Development

Medical Research Council of South Africa


South African Medical Association

St. Anthonys

University of Limpopo

University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

World Health Organization

Prime Partner:



US Agency for International Development

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention

Management and Staffing

Prime Partner:



US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Condoms and Other Prevention

Counseling and Testing

Management and Staffing

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)



National Institute for Communicable Diseases

Prime Partner:



US Department of Health and Human Services

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Management and Staffing

Prime Partner:



US Department of State

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Management and Staffing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support



ACVV Middleburg

Amangwe Village, KwaMbonambi

Arebaokeng Hospice and Home Based Care


Baptist Children's Center

Barakah Educational Foundation

Bhekuzulu Self-Sufficient Projects

Boitumelo Community Home Based Care

Camdeboo Hospice

Carletonville Home and Community Based Care

Carroll Shaw Memorial Centre

Creative Young Women Group, Port St. Johns, Eastern Cape

Development Education Leadership Teams in Action

Dikgale Home Community Based Care

Diocese Aids Ministries � Keimoes

Eastern Cape Gender & Development

Gezubuso Projects

Good Hope Home Based Care

Good Samaritan Hospice

Helping Hands

Hlomelikusasa Skills for the Future, Mount Frere, Eastern Cape

Hope House Counseling Centre

Hospice Moeder Theresa

Icebolethu Women in Support HIV/AIDS Organization

Ikhaya Le Themba

Inkosinathi AIDS/HIV Project

Isiphosethu Primary Health Care, St. Joseph Church

Itireleng Community Advice Centre

Jesus Loves Voice

Katha Drop-in-Center

Kgatelopele Women�s Group

Khayellitsha Community HBC and Support Group

Khula Youth Empowerment Organization

Kizito Community AIDS Campaign Project

Kungwini Care Support

Lithanza Community Development & Training Centre

Luvuyo Drop-in Centre

Malungeni Youth Develpoment Association, Ngqeleni, Eastern Cape

Masakhanbe Youth Centre

Maskey Health Services

Mofolo Home Based Care Project

Mpilonhle Project, U Thukela District

Musawenkosi Ministries, KwaMethethwas and Entoweni Areas

Nightingale Hospice

Noncedo Home Based Care

Nosakhele AIDS Project

Npongele Ke Itirele

Nyandeni Community Health workers Association (Phelo Phepa Group)

Perservere Until Something Happens

Phela O Phedishe Ramokgopa Community Home Based Care Project

PUSH Evangelical Lutheran Church Faith Based Organization

Ramotshinyadi HIV/AIDS Youth Guide

Refenste Health Care Giving Programme

Rise and Shine Home Based Caregivers Project

RiverLife International, Cinderella Park

St. Anna and Joachim Roman Catholic Organization

St. John the Baptist Catholic Clinic

Thiboloha Bophelong

Tlokomelo Otshelo HBC Group

Tshepong Fountain

Ubuntu Hospice Mount Frere, Eastern Cape

Ubuntu Ma Africa

Umnini sinethemba HIV/AIDS & Health Crisis centre

Umvoti AIDS Centre, Enhlalakahle, Umvoti Minicipality

Umzi Wethemba Home Based Care Project

Usis Thuso Community Center

Victorious Woman Health and Welfare Ministry

Vuyani Safe Haven

Women for Change Home-based Care Project

Worcester AIDS Action Committee

Zimbanathi Project

Prime Partner:



US Peace Corps

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Counseling and Testing

Management and Staffing

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prime Partner:



World Vision South Africa

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Prime Partner:



Xstrata Coal SA & Re-Action!

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Counseling and Testing

Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

Treatment: ARV Services



Re!Action Consulting

Prime Partner:



Youth for Christ South Africa (YfC)

Obligated FY07 Funds:



Program Areas:


Abstinence and Be Faithful

Condoms and Other Prevention


1 Prime partner: A prime partner is an entity which receives funding directly from, and has a direct contractual relationship (contract, cooperative agreement, grant, etc.) with, the USG agency. Please note that there is a distinction between an organization and a partner. An organization can be any organization listed in the Country Operational and Plan Reporting System (COPRS). An organization becomes a partner by being selected by a country as either a prime or a sub. A partner has a funding relationship with the USG agency. (Source: President�s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief FY 2007 Country Operational Plan Guidance; Page 40)

2 Sub-partner: A sub partner is defined as an entity to which a prime partner allocates funding. (Source: President�s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, FY 2007 Country Operational Plan Guidance; Page 44)

3 Obligation: An agreement that will result in outlays, immediately or in the future. When you place an order, sign a contract, award a grant, purchase a service, provide incremental funding or take other actions that require the Government to make payments to the public or from one Government account to another, you incur an obligation. Budgetary resources must be available before obligations can be incurred legally. Obligations should not exceed available budgetary resources. For this Annual Program Results Report, only report on obligations made during the fiscal year (October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006). (Source: President�s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief FY 2006 Annual Program Results (APR) Guidance for Focus and 2006 Mini-COP Country Reporting, p.6)

USA.gov U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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