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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.
CEC promotes North American environmental cooperation at 2009 Council and public advisory meeting
The CEC invites you to the Sixteenth Regular Session of its Council and related events, on 22–23 June 2009, in Denver, Colorado, USA.

Public events begin 22 June with a workshop on Climate Policy Coherence in North America, organized by the CEC’s Joint Public Advisory Committee.

The 2009 annual meeting of the CEC Council, comprising the cabinet-level environment ministers of the three NAFTA countries—Jim Prentice of Canada, Juan Elvira Quesada of Mexico, and Lisa P. Jackson of the United States—will examine environmental issues of common concern and set direction for the Commission’s work program.

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  • Also new:
    North America works to halt invasive species
    A new set of trinational guidelines, announced on 23 April at the 16th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species in Montreal, will help assess the risks from aquatic invasive species that, once established, could cause significant harm.

    The guidelines include detailed risk assessment and social and economic studies of two fishes present in North American waters: the snakehead, and the armored catfish or plecostomus (pictured here).

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  • Trinational Risk Assessment Guidelines for Aquatic Alien Invasive Species
  • CEC at Americana 2009

    With CEC Executive Director Adrián Vázquez acting as honorary president, Americana 2009 kicked off its conference in Montreal on 17 March looking to capitalize on opportunities to jumpstart the economy and business through environmental stewardship.

    “This is the perfect springboard for more competitive and innovative proposals, where sustainability is the main tool for development,” Adrián Vázquez noted during the welcoming reception.

  • Full text of speech
  • Whale conservation
    Two whale species inhabiting the oceans of North America are currently considered of highest concern for the region; they are emblematic of the importance of international cooperation in the effective conservation of species as well as the full extent of their habitats.

    One of these, the humpback whale, is the subject of a North American Conservation Action Plan adopted in 2005. The other, the gray whale, was recently addressed by the government of Mexico when it announced its desire to explore mechanisms, in conjunction with the United States and Canada, for stewardship of this species on its migratory path across international borders.

    The gray whale has the longest migratory path of any mammal and is listed by the CEC as one of 16 marine species of common conservation concern in North America. It is considered emblematic of the entire marine/coastal region from Baja California to the Bering Sea.
    Report looks at the state of the North American environment
    In its latest state of the environment report, the CEC examines 14 key issues to identify challenges and opportunities for environmental cooperation in the NAFTA nations.
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  • The North American Mosaic: An Overview of Key Environmental Issues
  • Featured items

    North American Environmental Atlas

    A new online information tool from the CEC provides a suite of materials to visualize significant North American environmental issues at a continental scale.

    Find out more

    Citizen Submissions

    8 Apr 2009: Drilling Waste in Cunduacán
    The Secretariat determined to proceed no further because the matter is the subject of a pending judicial or administrative proceeding. Read

    4 Mar 2009: Wetlands in Manzanillo
    The Secretariat began reviewing the submission under Article 14(1). Read

    28 Feb 2009: Wetlands in Manzanillo
    The Submitters corrected the minor errors of form. Read

    All Submissions

    Calendar of Events

    1 Jun 2009
    Workshop on environmental compliance: Facilitating trade and environmental compliance across North America
    Quebec, Quebec, Canada

    2–3 Jun 2009
    Meeting of the North American Land Change Monitoring System
    Flagstaff, Arizona, United States

    22–23 Jun 2009
    Workshop on Climate Policy Coherence in North America
    Meeting of the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) (09-01)
    Denver, Colorado, United States

    All Events

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