U.S. Air Force Small Business

Support the Air Force Mission

The Air Force looks to small business to achieve its mission – to fly, fight and win … in air, space and cyberspace. With our strategy known as Beyond Goals, we believe that small businesses are the solutions of choice because they deliver an unmatched innovation, efficiency and agility to the fight.

Small businesses of every type support our mission – maintenance, logistics, transportation, information technology, health care, manufacturing and so many more. We know small businesses can do the job, that they have the proper security clearances, that they have the right kind of experience and that they understand our mission.

If you are a small business and you have the products or services we need for the mission, the Air Force may have an opportunity for you. Our small business specialists around the country are working aggressively with our customers to create strategies that support our Warfighters.  They strive to ensure that the entire Air Force acquisition community views interactions with small business as more important than merely a means to achieve numerical goals.

We invite you to learn more about the opportunities that exist for your small business.

Locate a Small Business Specialist

Use the Air Force Office of Small Business Programs Locator to find the right Small Business Specialist for your opportunity.

Click to Start Search

Contract Opportunities

Search the Long Range Acquisition Estimate (LRAE) database to identify upcoming procurements from the U.S. Air Force.

Click to Start Search

Page Last Updated: April 30, 2009