Annual Plans and Reports

Final Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2007-12
2008 Performance and Accountability Report
U.S. Department of Education Citizens' Report: The FY 2008 Summary of Performance and Financial Information
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Department-wide annual plans and performance reports describe the goals and intended outcomes of U.S. Department of Education programs and initiatives. Annual strategies and targets are published in performance plans in advance of each fiscal year; results are reported in annual performance and accountability reports following the fiscal year end.

Performance Plans

FY 2009 Performance Plan
Performance Plans for individual programs
February 4, 2008

Revised FY 2008 Performance Plan
June 16, 2008

FY 2008 Performance Plan
Performance Plans for individual programs
February 5, 2007

FY 2007 Performance Plan
Performance Plans for individual programs
February 6, 2006

Performance and Accountability Reports

Data Validation and Verification Protocol
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August 12, 2008

Citizens' Report: The FY 2008 Summary of Performance and Financial Information
download files PDF (2.3M)
January 15, 2009

FY 2008 Performance and Accountability Report
Performance Reports for individual programs
November 17, 2008

FY 2007 Performance and Accountability Report
Performance Reports for individual programs
November 15, 2007

Highlights of FY 2007 Performance and Accountability Report
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February 1, 2008

FY 2008 Annual Report for Federal Student Aid
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November 18, 2008

FY 2007 Annual Report for Federal Student Aid
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November 15, 2007

FY 2006 Performance and Accountability Report
Performance Reports for individual programs
November 15, 2006

Previous Department-wide Plans and Reports (2001-2005)

No Child Left Behind Annual Reports

Other Reports

Reports on E-Gov, Employee Survey, FAIR Act, Freedom of Information Act, Grantee Satisfaction, HSPD 12, Report to Congress, and More

Plans and Reports from Previous Administrations

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Last Modified: 01/15/2009