Public-Private Partnerships
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Public-Private Partnerships

"Public-private partnerships save time and money, can be implemented rapidly, have superior impact and produce a greater return on each dollar invested."

Recognizing that partnerships are needed to sustain programs for the long-term, Congress authorized PEPFAR to promote public-private partnerships as a priority element of U.S. strategy to combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic and other global health crises. PEPFAR has fostered public-private partnerships that support and complement the prevention, treatment, and care work of the Emergency Plan.

Many formidable partnerships are being created across the private and public sectors to bring entrepreneurship to the fight against HIV/AIDS. Public-private partnerships enable the U.S. Government and private sector entities to maximize their efforts through jointly-defined objectives, program design and implementation. The key to these relationships is the identification of on-the-ground social entrepreneurs, and partnerships with local governments to ensure that the solutions make sense for, and are owned by, the communities.

The following examples illustrate the diversity of PEPFAR's public-private partnerships in support of HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care programs:

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PPP Online Resources
USA.gov U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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