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Advanced CEE-TV Search Form:
Atlantic, Gulf, Pacific, Alaskan and Hawaiian Coasts
and the Great Lakes

Version 8.0, Updated March 2008
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Complete documentation for this database

Taxonomic Information:

Example: to search for "black duck", enter it in the Common Name field. Alternatively, enter the word "duck" and all database records containing that term, including black ducks, will appear in the output.


Common Name

Table of Choices


Genus and Species

Table of Choices



Select from Pulldown

Date of Study:

Operator for Year of Study: Year of Study (4 digit year):


Geographic Information:

State or Province:

Specific Name of Study or Collection Site (e.g., town, island, refuge):

Name of Estuary or Great Lake (table ):

USGS Hydrologic Unit (HUC) Code:

Contaminant Information:

Sample matrix that was analyzed:

The following section permits selection of a contaminant, and allows you to specify an operator and value for searches.

Example: To search for all records that contain p,p'-DDE values greater than 20 ug/g, select the following from the pull down menus:

Contaminant: p,p'-DDE   Operator:   Value: 20

Organochlorine Pesticides and Total PCBs: Operator: Value in ug/g:
Dioxin-Like PCB Congeners:
Operator: Value in ng/g:
Dioxins and Dibenzofurans (Table of Abbreviations): Operator: Value in pg/g:

Dioxin-Like Toxic Equivalents (TEQs): Operator: Value in pg/g:

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): Operator: Value in ng/g:
Metals, Metalloids, and Trace Elements:
Operator: Value in ug/g:
Operator: Value in ng/g:
Other Contaminants:

Organophosphorus Insecticide: Detected Not Detected Clear Selection

Carbamate Insecticide: Detected Not Detected Clear Selection
Rodenticides: Detected Not Detected Clear Selection
Avicides: Detected Not Detected Clear Selection
Petroleum Hydrocarbons: Detected Not Detected Clear Selection
Lead Shot: Detected Not Detected Clear Selection

Biomarker/Bioindicator Responses:

Author or Information Source:

Other Contaminants and Miscellaneous Information (See Table):

Record No.: (This field can be used to retrieve records cross-referenced in the "Other" field.)

USGS Database Disclaimer

Comments and additional references are greatly appreciated (E-Mail:

Contact: Barnett Rattner
Last modified: 03/04/2008
USGS Privacy Policy and Disclaimers