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Citizen Corps Councils

Federal Funds

Corporation for National and Community Service

On July 6, 2004, the Corporation for National and Community Service made $2.9 million in fiscal year 2004 AmeriCorps funds available to award Professional Corps grants to eligible organizations. The Corporation anticipate making 30-60 grants, ranging from $30,000 to $100,000. These grants will support programs addressing critical community needs through the service of professionals, such as teachers, nurses, doctors, emergency medical technicians (EMT), and other health care providers, social workers, early childhood development staff, engineers, lawyers, paralegals, police officers and firefighters in communities with inadequate numbers of such professionals. The scope of these programs must be multi-state. The Corporation will make awards covering a period not to exceed three years. This is funding opportunity number: CNCS-GRANTS-012004-002, CFDA no.: 94-006. Deadline for applying is August 17, 2004, 5:00 p.m. EST and the award announcements will be in September. More information is available at

DHS - Office for Domestic Preparedness

The Fiscal Year 2004 ODP Homeland Security Grant Program integrates the application process for three separate funding streams: $1.7 billion for the State Homeland Security Program; $500 million for the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program; and $35 million for Citizen Corps. Funding is provided to states, who will then obligate not less than 80 percent of the total state grant amount to local units of government within the state. The program guidelines and application kit is available at Citizen Corps funding may be used to: form and sustain Citizen Corps Councils; conduct public education and outreach; provide training for citizens in prevention, preparedness, and response skills; and offer volunteer service opportunities for citizens to support emergency responders, disaster relief, and community safety.

The Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2004 also provided the secretary of Homeland Security $725 million for discretionary grants for use in high-threat, high-density urban areas. The secretary has provided $675 million to enhance the security of key urban areas and $50 million for the protection of critical mass transit systems with heavy rail and commuter rail components. The program guidelines and application kit for the Fiscal Year 2004 Urban Area Security Initiative is available at


On May 29, 2003, FEMA announced the availability of availability of $19 million in grant money to train citizens to be better prepared to respond to emergency situations in their communities through local Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT). FEMA will distribute the funds to each state and territory according to a population-based formula. The CERT grants will allow states to fund new CERT programs at the local level and to expand existing teams. 2003 CERT grant amounts by state/territory.

Department of Education

Department of Education Emergency Response and Crisis Management Program grants are available to local educational agencies (LEAs) to improve and strengthen emergency response and crisis management plans, including training school personnel, students, and parents in emergency response procedures and coordinating with local law enforcement, public safety, health, and mental health agencies.

Estimated Available Funds: $38 million. Estimated Range of Awards: $100,000-$500,000. Eligible Applicants: LEAs with a significant need for emergency preparedness improvements and a lack of fiscal capacity to implement these improvements. Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: June 30, 2003. The Federal Register Notice, published on May 16, 2003, is available at:

The U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)

Funding available to establish, enhance and institutionalize a VIPS program. The approximate funding per project is $50,000. Additional information, including the application kit, is available at The application deadline is June 30, 2003. If you have questions, please contact the Justice Response enter at 1.800.421.6770. Deadline for submitting the Notice of Intent to Apply: Monday, June 2, 2003. Deadline for applications for this solicitation: 6:00 p.m. Monday, June 30, 2003.


On December 4, 2002, FEMA announced the awarding of $21 million in grants to every state and territory to support the growth of Citizen Corps activities, including the formation of Citizen Corps Councils and the expansion of FEMA's Community Emergency Response Team (CERTs) program. The State will be working to distribute this funding down to the local level.

Q&A on FEMA FY 2002 Citizen Corps/CERT Grants

Department of Health and Human Services

42 grants totaling $2 million were awarded by the Department of Health and Human Services to community-based organizations on November 1, 2002. These grants will be used to begin building local Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) units that will help local communities prepare and respond in the event of a public health emergency.

Corporation for National and Community Service

On July 18, 2002, the Corporation for National and Community Service awarded a total of $10.3 million in competitive grants to 43 non-profit and public organizations in 26 states and the District of Columbia to involve citizen volunteers in homeland security efforts. The grants will help fund 37,000 AmeriCorps members and Senior Corps and other volunteers nationwide in public safety, public health, emergency response and disaster preparedness.