BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo

Established in 2004, the American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo has experienced solid growth since becoming fully accredited by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 2006.  In the past two years, AmCham Kosovo has grown from only eight members in 2006 to 70 members in good standing as of July 2008.  This includes 11 U.S. - invested members operating in the Kosovo market, including Deloitte, Coca-Cola, Western Union, Microsoft, ProCredit Bank, the American University in Kosovo, Washington Group International, PharmaSwiss, Kosova Steel, Grant Thornton (US-Macedonian), and Triangle General Contractors Inc.  AmCham Kosovo has been an avid promoter of responsible business practices and community involvement.  To help address the growing number of newly-educated youth, AmCham started hosting bi-annual Career Fairs to match students and new graduates with businesses for internships and permanent employment opportunities.  After AmCham’s fifth career fair in 2008, more than 330 students and new graduates have found professional placements.   

For more information on the American Chamber of Commerce in Bosnia and Herzegovina please visit: